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Student Council IV: "Confronting forms of discrimination at the university" - public viewing series followed by an exchange of views

"Confronting forms of discrimination at university" - public viewing of a lecture series at the University of Münster followed by a discussion

On the initiative of Student Council IV, this semester a lecture series of the University of Münster on the topic "Encountering forms of discrimination at the university" will be broadcast via livestream in the auditorium of the HWG LU. The series of events will take place every Tuesday at 18:00. The series has already started with the introductory event on October 22 and the lectures on "Sexism" on October 29. It will continue on November 5 with a lecture on "Anti-Muslim Racism" and on November 12 with a lecture on "Racism". All lectures in the series can be found in the university's calendar of events: https://www.veranstaltungen.hwg-lu.de/event

Student Council IV cordially invites all interested parties to watch the lectures in the university auditorium (A-geb., ground floor).

Overview of the following events

  • 05 November Anti-Muslim racism (Prof. Dr. Karim Fereidooni, RU Bochum)
  • November 12 Racism (Prof. Dr. Paul Mecheril, Bielefeld University)
  • November 19 Anti-Semitism (Prof. Dr. Astrid Messerschmidt, University of Wuppertal)
  • 26 November Ableism (Prof. Dr. Robel Afeworki Abay, Alice Salomon University of Applied Sciences Berlin)
  • 03 December Sexual Diversity (Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Tuider, University of Kassel)
  • December 10 Age Discrimination (Prof. Dr. Jürgen Wegge, TU Dresden)
  • December 17 Classism (Prof. Dr. Susanne Becker, IU International University)

The event series is organized by the University of Münster & ZIT. It will be broadcast via public viewing.

Link to the lecture series of the University of Münster

Professional contact:
Department of Social and Health Care
Social Work Student Council
kontakt@ 8< SPAM protection, please remove >8 fachschaft4.de

Graphic with hands in all skin colors and colorful sleeves.
Picture: Colorbox
Poster of the University of Münster announcing the lecture
University of Münster poster for the lecture series (Image: University of Münster)