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Midwifery science: Successful completion of the first practical state examinations

Overthe past few weeks, the first cohort of students in the 6th semester of the Midwifery Science degree programs at Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society (HWG LU) completed the state practical examinations for their professional midwifery license.

The first practical part of the exam, which focused on prenatal care, took the form of check-ups with pregnant women called in to the clinics. The other two parts of the exam, which covered childbirth and the postpartum period, were carried out for the first time in the form of simulation exams at the university's skills and simulation center. This innovation is based on the new nationwide study and examination regulations for midwives. In these examinations, the students had to prove that they are able to manage a birth as a midwife and supervise a postpartum visit. The students demonstrated their skills in scenarios in which actors took on the role of the women* with their newborns.

"The new format of the state examinations is a first for all of us, and we were very excited about this first practical examination run. We are all the more pleased now that we can look back on a smooth process in terms of both content and organization," said Professor Nina Knape, PhD, head of the degree programs.

This success was possible thanks to the support of the practical instructors and many other colleagues in practice and at the university. They provided guidance and support to the students throughout their studies, during exam preparation and during the exam period. The planning and organization of such examinations involves a great deal of effort - from preparing the students to finding suitable pregnant women and providing sufficient rooms, materials, examiners, invigilators and simulators.

Knape emphasizes: "We are very enthusiastic about supporting the students on their journey so that they can provide competent and empathetic care as future midwives and are incredibly proud of our students and their performance in the examinations."

Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society
Department of Social and Health Care
Midwifery Science
Prof. Dr. Michaela Michel-Schuldt
hebammenwissenschaft@ 8< SPAM protection, please remove >8 hwg-lu.de

Simulation of a maternity room
The pictures give an insight into the skills and simulation center of the university (Pictures: HWG LU/Midwifery Science).
Replica of a delivery room
Simulation of a hospital room