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trans/ inter/ non-binary gender identity

trans is an umbrella term used to describe a characteristic of various people who do not identify with the gender assigned to them at birth. Transgender people are, for example, trans women (women whose sex entry at birth was male). trans men (men whose civil status entry at birth was female), but also people who do not want (to be) gendered.

The binary gender model anchored in society, which only recognizes male and female, disadvantages people who cannot or do not want to be clearly gendered and calls their existence into question. It leads to the exclusion of those people whose gender, gender identity or gender expression does not correspond to social expectations and prevents them from freely developing their personality.

At Ludwigshafen University, we want to provide an environment free of discrimination for everyone. For people who do not locate themselves in the binary model or other trans identities, we work to break down barriers. For one thing, there is an "All Gender Toilet" in Ernst-Boehe-Straße (room E 109, first floor of the Postbank building), and for another, the four legally required characteristics "male, female, diverse, no specification" are available when applying to the university.

We would also like to support you with other questions and problems. If you are concerned, please feel free to contact us in confidence.

Contact us

Christiane Schweikart

Ernst-Boehe-Str. 4-6
67059 Ludwigshafen

A 403+49 621 5203-236+49 172 8675572