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Notebooks for students at special prices

For students and employees of the University of Applied Sciences Ludwigshafen notebooks and partly other IT accessories are available at special conditions from the following suppliers.

The university made no guarantees on completeness of suppliers or
that the offers in the mentioned store are the cheapest in the trade.
You should still do further price research.

Software at special conditions

The university is a contractual partner of Microsoft Student Select and Adobe Student Licensing  (ASL). This allows students to purchase software licenses at better conditions.

These licenses and other products from other manufacturers can be found on the Asknet page for Rhineland-Palatinate.


The prices here are generally still somewhat lower than in the official web store of the provider asknet where these products are only offered as "school licenses".

The processing is not done by the computer center, but the supply as well as the invoicing to the students is completely done by asknet AG. Please note: Due to the license form, these products are bound to the person and may not be resold!

Security for home

The company Sophos, from which the university obtains its virus scanner, offers its "Home" product free of charge for private users.

The condition for use is that this product is not used commercially.

This software is a full-fledged product and not just a cut-down version of a purchased version. In the "Free" version, up to 3 devices (Windows and Mac OS) can be centrally managed via a web console.

Since the beginning of February 2018, Sophos has been offering a premium version of the virus scanner, however, for a fee, which expands the product's range of functions and allows installation on 10 end devices.

To use it, you have to register with your mail address at the following link and you're ready to go.


The installation of the virus scanner can be done directly via download from the logged in Sophos administration window. Alternatively, you can create a download link for the installation data, which you can also send.

The devices installed under this link will then appear in the management console of the logged-in user.

Do you need support?

Support times
Monday to Thursday:
7:30 - 12:00
13:00 - 17:00

7:30 - 12:00
13:00 - 15:00

Support offices
A 309 and A25

+49 621 5203-444

Ticket system


Password help