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Studierendenwerk Vorderpfalz - Partner for all aspects of studying


Mensa and cafeterias
In the Mensa in Ernst-Boehe-Straße, the Studierendenwerk offers a freshly prepared 5-component menu every day. HERE you can find this week's menu plan.

Regionality and sustainability are important to us: many of the foods we use come from the 'RheinPfalz vegetable garden' and the immediate vicinity. Our homemade salads are made from fresh ingredients in our kitchen - because you can taste it and it also saves on packaging waste.

Snacks, drinks and coffee in many varieties are available in our cafeterias: One cafeteria is right next to the canteen at Ernst-Boehe-Straße 4, another is in the basement in the Department of Social and Health Care at Maxstraße 29.
Our coffee beans come from Helder & Leuuwen. They only have to make the short journey over the Rhine bridge before they end up freshly brewed in our cups or Recup cups - because disposable coffee has been a thing of the past in Ludwigshafen since the beginning of 2019. This applies to all hot drinks that are served to-go in our canteen and cafeterias at Ludwigshafen University of Applied Sciences.

Because fair is sustainable, we offer fairly traded sodas and iced teas in our cafeterias.

A total of 174 individual apartments and rooms are available to students at Ludwigshafen University of Applied Sciences at Heinigstraße 13, the dormitory of the Studierendenwerk Vorderpfalz. Applications for an apartment or room can be submitted via the online form at https://tl1host.eu/SWLD/#admission.

Advice & Social Affairs
Studying with a child is a challenge. With the Lufanten daycare center on campus, Studierendenwerk Vorderpfalz offers 30 childcare places for children of students and employees of the university. Childcare is available either all day or as an extended morning session. Children are cared for from the age of 9 months until they start school.

Do you have a problem? No matter how big or small, whether personal or financial, whether family or study-related - we can help! Our advice center is there for all students - and is 100% confidential. During the lecture period, our counseling takes place every Thursday from 2 to 4 p.m. in Building E, Postbank building, Room E1027. During the semester break by appointment.

Funding for student projects and initiatives of a cultural, social or ecological nature
We provide financial support for projects and initiatives by students for students. Application and funding guidelines are available on the homepage at https://stw-vp.de/de/kultur/kultur-projektfoerderung/.

About us
Studierendenwerk Vorderpfalz AöR looks after the four university locations of Ludwigshafen, Landau, Germersheim and Worms. With around 180 employees, it takes care of the social aspects of studying: food, housing, counseling, daycare and cultural funding.

More information?
Further information, menus and contacts at www.stw-vp.de or at www.facebook.com/stwvp/


Student Union Vorderpfalz

Xylanderstraße 17
D-76829 Landau

 +49 (0) 6341/9179-0

 +49 (0) 6341/9179-16

info@ 8< SPAM protection, please remove >8 stw-vp.de