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Business administration with a focus on human resources

International Human Resource Management and Organization (B.Sc.)

Company day: Practical career orientation through strong cooperation

The operating day...

... is an innovative initiative that brings pupils, students and companies together to provide practical insights into the world of work. Two important cooperation partners contribute significantly to the success of this project:

Max-Planck-Gymnasium Ludwigshafen (MPG):

The Max-Planck-Gymnasium in Ludwigshafen is actively involved in providing career and study guidance for its female pupils. In November 2023, the first Company Day was held in Ludwigshafen, a cooperation between the MPG, the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society (HWG LU) and local companies. Here, high school students simulated job interviews under real conditions, led by HR management students from HWG LU. This project offers the pupils valuable practical experience and enables the students to apply their theoretical knowledge. The positive feedback from all those involved underlines the success of this collaboration.

Friedrich-Magnus-Schwerd-Gymnasium Speyer (FMSG):

Friedrich-Magnus-Schwerd-Gymnasium in Speyer has been a central partner of the Company Day since 2007. In cooperation with the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society and regional companies, annual events are organized in which twelfth-grade students simulate job interviews with students on the International Human Resources Management degree program. This practice-oriented format prepares the students for future application processes and strengthens the link between school, university and business.



Practical insight into the world of work


The company day in action