3rd semester
Modules Human resources management: 1. IHRM, 2. Psychology of Work and Organizational Behaviour & 3. Organization

Dr. Eva Miriam Konrad
Freelance consultant and trainer
"For the success of multinational companies, a proper management of the geographically dispersed workforce is necessary in order to leverage HR resources for achieving local as well as a global competitive advantage. Therefore, the aim of this lecture series is to give a profound introduction into the topic of IHRM. The module deals with international business activities as driving forces of IHRM and with important challenges of IHRM like cultural, legal and economic framework conditions. Common practices and functions of IHRM will be discussed."

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Andrea Ceschi
Associate Professor of Work and Organizational Psychology University of Verona
"Understanding HR policies, functions, and interventions, as well as the essential people management tools, is the central objective of the course. The aim is to learn typical functions needed for supervising and motivating a team. Practical exercises will be proposed to gain direct experience of evidence-based strategies and techniques applicable to support the HR management."

Ralf Blasek
Managing Director of Graduate School Rhein-Neckar, Ludwigshafen
"The organizational aspects of HRM are crucial to any organization. In the module ORGANIZATION we will be looking at essential HR processes and functions, learn about some CHRO studies and the differences between virtual, remote and matrix management. Another key topic will be empowerment, rounded up by a well proven business leadership model."
Optional compulsory modules: 1. Law 2. Sociology 3. Managerial Finance 4. Macroeconomics (students choose 2 out of 4 modules)

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dominika Harasimiuk
Department of Law and Institutions of the EU Faculty of Political Science and International Studies University of Warsaw
"Any business activity necessitates the general knowledge and understanding of law and principles of various legal systems. State jurisdictions co-exist with well developed international and supranational legal systems, governing both public and private legal relations. It is thus necessary not only to understand the general differences between civil-law and common law systems, but also to gain knowledge about EU law and international law governing business and trade in the international context."

Dr. Kerstin Schmidt
Post-doctoral researcher, Bielefeld University, Germany
"By participating in this elective module SOCIOLOGY, students will learn about different classic sociological theories that try to explain human societies. We will examine the roles of 1) social networks; 2) social norms; and 3) social institutions in order to understand different ways through which sociologists try to explain how societies function. By referring to different examples of current societal challenges, such as climate change, conflicts, pandemics, demographic change, (forced) migration, as well as new ways of global communication and (dis)information, we will analyze how societies change over time and what this means for a sociological understanding of the world."

Javier Gonzalez Nuñez
CEO TONIC Teaching; Senior Consultant United Nations; Social entrepreneur HOPE
"In the elective MANAGERIAL FINANCE module students will learn how to use finance for business decision making. From creating budgets and forecasts to understanding and analyzing financial statements. Both for their personal finance and their careers."

Prof. Dr. Chengyu Yang
Professor of Economics; Business School, Beijing Normal University, China
"It's never been a better time to learn MACROECONOMICS and to understand how government policies and the rest of the world affect our livings and decisions in this rapidly changing era. The most exciting part of the course is to explore simple rules of complex economic phenomena and to evaluate consequences of fiscal and monetary policies."
Module Social Competency part Creativity

Daniel Brunnett
Senior Solution Sales Executive for Digital Supply Chain at SAP; Certified Design Thinking and Business Model Coach
"CREATIVITY is the use of imagination or original ideas to create something. This module will boost your creativity & unleash your entrepreneurial instinct. You will work in as a small startup team and will create your own entrepreneurial idea by leveraging methods, tools and techniques from successful startups."