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Maternity Protection Act also applies to students

On January 1, 2018, the new Maternity Protection Act came into force, in which female students are also included in the scope of protection.

In order for the Ludwigshafen University of Applied Sciences to be able to provide the greatest possible care for you, pregnant students or you should register for a consultation with Christiane Schweikart by mail once your pregnancy has been established.

Only if you inform us about your pregnancy, we as a university can fulfill our duty to protect you as an expectant and nursing mother and support you as much as possible.

Information on the Maternity Protection Act can be found here.

Notification of pregnancy to the Family Service.

Important: Please send this notification by mail to C. Schweikart.

Family Service

The Family Service is a service offered by the Equal Opportunity Office. It coordinates and networks the offers and provides solutions for employees, professors and students on the topics of reconciling studies, career and family responsibilities.

Here you can find the offers, e.g. childcare during off-peak hours.

Amendment to the APO on the protection provisions

In § 25, the special concerns of students on maternity or parental leave as well as parenting and caring students are regulated.

You can find the amendment regulationshere.

Parent-child room in the C building, room C 1.222

Kita Lufanten

The LUfanten daycare center is located in the immediate vicinity of the university. There is less than a minute's walk between the lecture hall and the daycare center. The facility is primarily intended for children of students at Ludwigshafen University of Applied Sciences who are resident in Rhineland-Palatinate. However, ten childcare places are also available to employees of Ludwigshafen University of Applied Sciences who are resident in Rhineland-Palatinate. Children from the age of 9 months until they start school can be looked after in the facility.
All further information can be found here on the homepage of the daycare provider.

Childcare at the click of a mouse

Here you will find a link to all daycare centers in Rhineland-Palatinate.

The youth welfare offices provide an overview of qualified childminders working in the region.

Children city map Ludwigshafen am Rhein

The Ludwigshafen Children's and Youth Office has created a children's city map in cooperation with the Kobra Advisory Center in Landau, with Ludwigshafen schools and, above all, with many children from Ludwigshafen.

On this city map, you can find lots of information about playgrounds, children's and youth centers, soccer fields and much more. For example, the map shows meadows that are suitable for flying kites and hills that are good for tobogganing. All tips have been tried and tested by children from Ludwigshafen.

However, not only leisure tips are drawn on the map, but also a lot of other useful information: Train stations, police, fire department, schools and kindergartens.

Here you can find the children's city map Ludwigshafen am Rhein.


You can find information and contact persons here.

For further information on BAFöG funding, please visit the homepage of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.

Federal Foundation "Mother and Child

The Federal Foundation "Mother and Child" has been supporting pregnant women in emergency situations for 25 years in order to make it easier for them to continue their pregnancy. Since 1984, the federal government has provided the foundation with at least 92 million euros from the federal budget every year for this purpose.

The pregnancy advice centers at the place of residence of the women seeking help are responsible for providing advice, support and applications for pregnant women in emergency situations.

You can find more informationhere.

Rhineland-Palatinate Family in Need" state foundation

The foundation capital made available by the state in this foundation is to be made available in individual cases to families with many children, single mothers and fathers, in order to ensure financial assistance in a rapid manner. However, the funds of this foundation can only be considered if it can be proven that all other possibilities have been exhausted. As with the federal foundation, applications must be submitted to pregnancy counseling centers, social counseling centers or the youth welfare office.

You can find more information here.

Pregnancy counseling

Here you will find addresses in Ludwigshafen where you can get advice.

Contact us

Prof. Dr. Petra Weber-Dreßler


Ernst-Boehe-Str. 4-6
67259 Ludwigshafen

C 1.207+49 621 5203-201+49 621 5203-200

Christiane Schweikart

Ernst-Boehe-Str. 4-6
67059 Ludwigshafen

A 403+49 621 5203-236+49 172 8675572