Organizational Structure Departments III
Head of department
Dean | Prof. Dr. Birgit Angermayer |
Vice Dean | Prof. Dr. Stefanie Hehn-Ginsbach |
Head of degree program
Business Taxation and Auditing (B.A.) | Prof. Dr. Andreas Diesch |
Business Administration with a focus on Finance (B.A.) | Prof. Dr. Stefanie Hehn-Ginsbach |
Finance & Accounting (M.A.) | Prof. Dr. Gösta Jamin |
Finance, Strategy & Accounting (MBA) | Prof. Dr. Gösta Jamin |
Logistics (B.A.) | Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Müller |
Logistics (M.A.) | Prof. Dr. Stefan Iskan |
Business Informatics (B.Sc.) | Prof. Dr. Carsten Dorrhauer |
Business Informatics with a focus on Data Science & Consulting (M. Sc.) | Prof. Dr. Martin Selchert |
Dual Bachelor of Logistics (B.A.) | Prof. Dr. Joachim Schmidt |
Logistics - Management & Consulting (MBA) | Prof. Dr. Sabine Scheckenbach |
Logistics - International Management & Consulting (MBA) | Prof. Dr. Sabine Scheckenbach |