Prof. Dr. Elmar Günther

Dean of Department II: Marketing and Human Resources Management
Diplom-Kaufmann, Diplom-Betriebswirt (FH)
Professor of General Business Administration, in particular Marketing
Degree programs in Marketing
C 2.206
+49 (0) 621/5203-326
elmar.guenther@ 8< SPAM protection, please remove >8
Teaching areas
- Industrial goods marketing
- Marketing strategy
- Sales, product and price management
- Brand management
- Scientific work
- CSR and sustainability
Research focus
- Marketing strategies and digital business
- Organizational Resilience and Adaptation to Climate Change
Guest lectureships
- Guest lecturer at the HHL - Leipzig Graduate School of Management
- Guest Lecturer at Beijing Normal University, Business School, Beijing, China
- Guest Lecturer at Fuzhou University, School of Economics and Management, Fuzhou, China
Functions at the university
- Head of Distance Learning MBA Corporate Management
- Vice Dean of Department II
- Member of the Senate
- Member of the Faculty Council II
- Co-founder and partner of the Center for Marketing Insights (CfMI)
Professional career
since 2015 | Professor of General Business Administration, in particular Marketing at the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society |
2013 | Head of Global Business Development Ultra-Thin Glass at SCHOTT AG |
2010 | Director Product Management and Marketing at SCHOTT AG |
2008 | Joined SCHOTT AG as Assistant to the Chairman of the Board of Management |
2008 | Doctorate (Dr. rer. oec.) at the HHL-Leipzig Graduate School of Management with the thesis "Climate Change and Resilience Management - Interdisciplinary Conception of a Decision-Oriented Approach" |
2007 | Managing Director of the Scientific Society for Marketing and Corporate Management e.V. |
2005 | Research assistant at the Chair of Marketing Management, HHL-Leipzig Graduate School of Management |
- Academy of Management, USA
- Academic Marketing Society e.V., Leipzig
- Beta Gamma Sigma, Leipzig Chapter
- Rhine-Neckar Marketing Club
- Günther, E./ Greven, G. (2023): Target group identification and approach at MINI, in: S. Hollensen/ M. O. Opresnik [Eds:] Marketing: Fundamentals and Practice. A management-oriented approach, n.d., pp. 116-123.
- Weinert, S./ Günther, E./ Pfeil, S./ Dudda-Luzzato, D./Weber, L. (2023): The future of recruiting, in: Human Resources Manager, August 2023, pp. 56-59.
- Günther, E. (2021): Use of digital marketing tools at the beginning of the B2B customer relationship, in: S. Lacher/ P. Tachkov/ R. Völker [Eds:] Digitalization in Marketing - What companies need to do today for tomorrow's success, Stuttgart, pp. 76-84.
- Weinert, S./ Günther, E./ Rüger-Muck, E./ Raab, G. (2020): Artificial intelligence in personnel selection and its influence on employer attractiveness, in: Marketing Science & Inspirations, Vol. 15, No. 47, pp. 22-35.
- Weinert, S./ Günther, E./ Rüger-Muck, E./ Raab, G. (2020): Artificial intelligence in personnel selection and its influence on employer attractiveness, in: M. Überwimmer/ R. Fureder/ M. Gaisch/ Y. Salas [Eds:] Proceedings of the 9th Cross-Cultural Business Conference 2020, pp. 261-272.
- Günther, E./ Riethmüller, T. (2020): Introduction to crowdfunding - forms, areas of application, success factors, legal framework, Wiesbaden.
- Weinert, S./ Günther, E./ Rüger-Muck, E./ Raab, G. (2019): The effect of company guest speakers on perceived employer attractiveness, in: Marketing Science & Inspirations, Vol. 14, No. 43, pp. 25-36.
- Weinert, S./ Günther, E./ Rüger-Muck, E./ Raab, G. (2019): Scoring points with lectures. Guest lectures at universities and their impact, in: Personalwirtschaft, special issue Employer Branding and Personnel Marketing, No. 8/2019, pp. 28-30.
- Weinert, S./ Günther, E./ Rüger-Muck, E./ Raab, G. (2019): The effect of company guest speakers on perceived employer attractiveness, in: M. Überwimmer/ R. Fureder/ M. Gaisch/ Y. Salas [Eds:] Proceedings of the 8th Cross-Cultural Business Conference 2019, pp. 343-353 (awarded best conference paper).
- Günther, E./ Greven, G. (2019): Business model innovations of established companies - a literature-based presentation of the challenges and approaches using the case study of BMW Impact Ventures, in: PraxisWissen Marketing - German Journal of Marketing, No. 01/2019, pp. 32-44.
- Günther, E./ Riethmüller, T. (2016): Crowdfunding im Mittelstand - Eine explorative Studie zu Kapitalnehmeranforderungen auf Basis der Adoptionstheorie, in: Der Betriebswirt, 57. Jg., Nr. 2, S. 32-37.
- Winn, M. I./ Kirchgeorg, M./ Griffiths, A./ Günther, E./ Linnenlücke, M. K. (2011): Impacts from climate change on organizations: a conceptual foundation, Business Strategy and the Environment, Volume 20, Issue 3, pp. 157-173.
- Günther, E. (2009): Klimawandel und Resilience Management - Interdisziplinäre Konzeption eines entscheidungsorientierten Ansatzes unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Resilience- und Klimawandeladaptionsforschung, Wiesbaden.
- Günther, E. (2008): Critical appraisal of the "weak signals" concept in the context of discontinuous climate change impacts, in: Klante, O. [ed:] Current Perspectives on Marketing Management - Reflections from the Fields of Holistic Branding, Media Management and Sustainability Marketing, Wiesbaden, pp. 367-384.
- Kirchgeorg, M./ Jung, K./ Günther, E. (2007): Top executives - characteristics, leadership behavior and challenges in a global context, in: Working Paper No. 196 of the Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft für Marketing und Unternehmensführung e.V., Leipzig.
- Günther, E./ Kirchgeorg, M./ Winn, M. I. (2007): Resilience Management - Konzeptentwurf zum Umgang mit Auswirkungen des Klimawandels, in: UmweltWirtschaftsForum (uwf), Volume 15, Number 3/ September 2007, pp. 175-182.
- Kirchgeorg, M./ Günther, E. (2006): Mit mir die Sintflut, in: Financial Times Deutschland, Beilage enable from November 8, 2006, pp. 24-25.
- Kirchgeorg, M./ Günther, E./ Kästner, E. (2006): Leistungsfähigkeit des Wirtschaftsstandortes Deutschland im Ost-West-Vergleich - Bestandsaufnahme auf Grundlage makroökonomischer Daten und Analysen zum deutschlandspezifischen Eigen- und Fremdimage, in: Arbeitspapier Nr. 192 der Wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft für Marketing und Unternehmensführung e.V., Münster.
- Kirchgeorg, M./ Günther, E. (2006): Employer Brands zur Unternehmensprofilierung im Personalmarkt - Eine Analyse der Wahrnehmung von Unternehmensmarken auf der Grundlage einer deutschlandweiten Befragung, in: HHL-Arbeitspapier Nr. 74, Leipzig.