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Prof. Dr. Elmar Günther

Vice Dean of Department II: Marketing and Human Resources Management
Diplom-Kaufmann, Diplom-Betriebswirt (FH)
Professor of General Business Administration, in particular Marketing
Degree programs in Marketing

C 2.206
+49 (0) 621/5203-326
elmar.guenther@ 8< SPAM protection, please remove >8 hwg-lu.de

Teaching areas

  • Industrial goods marketing
  • Marketing strategy
  • Sales, product and price management
  • Brand management
  • Scientific work
  • CSR and sustainability

Research focus

  • Marketing strategies and digital business
  • Organizational Resilience and Adaptation to Climate Change

Guest lectureships

  • Guest lecturer at the HHL - Leipzig Graduate School of Management
  • Guest Lecturer at Beijing Normal University, Business School, Beijing, China
  • Guest Lecturer at Fuzhou University, School of Economics and Management, Fuzhou, China

Functions at the university

  • Head of Distance Learning MBA Corporate Management
  • Vice Dean of Department II
  • Member of the Senate
  • Member of the Faculty Council II
  • Co-founder and partner of the Center for Marketing Insights (CfMI)

Professional career

since 2015Professor of General Business Administration, in particular Marketing at the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society
2013Head of Global Business Development Ultra-Thin Glass at SCHOTT AG
2010Director Product Management and Marketing at SCHOTT AG
2008Joined SCHOTT AG as Assistant to the Chairman of the Board of Management
2008Doctorate (Dr. rer. oec.) at the HHL-Leipzig Graduate School of Management with the thesis "Climate Change and Resilience Management - Interdisciplinary Conception of a Decision-Oriented Approach"
2007Managing Director of the Scientific Society for Marketing and Corporate Management e.V.
2005Research assistant at the Chair of Marketing Management, HHL-Leipzig Graduate School of Management


  • Academy of Management, USA
  • Academic Marketing Society e.V., Leipzig
  • Beta Gamma Sigma, Leipzig Chapter
  • Rhine-Neckar Marketing Club


  • Günther, E./ Greven, G. (2023): Target group identification and approach at MINI, in: S. Hollensen/ M. O. Opresnik [Eds:] Marketing: Fundamentals and Practice. A management-oriented approach, n.d., pp. 116-123.
  • Weinert, S./ Günther, E./ Pfeil, S./ Dudda-Luzzato, D./Weber, L. (2023): The future of recruiting, in: Human Resources Manager, August 2023, pp. 56-59.
  • Günther, E. (2021): Use of digital marketing tools at the beginning of the B2B customer relationship, in: S. Lacher/ P. Tachkov/ R. Völker [Eds:] Digitalization in Marketing - What companies need to do today for tomorrow's success, Stuttgart, pp. 76-84.
  • Weinert, S./ Günther, E./ Rüger-Muck, E./ Raab, G. (2020): Artificial intelligence in personnel selection and its influence on employer attractiveness, in: Marketing Science & Inspirations, Vol. 15, No. 47, pp. 22-35.
  • Weinert, S./ Günther, E./ Rüger-Muck, E./ Raab, G. (2020): Artificial intelligence in personnel selection and its influence on employer attractiveness, in: M. Überwimmer/ R. Fureder/ M. Gaisch/ Y. Salas [Eds:] Proceedings of the 9th Cross-Cultural Business Conference 2020, pp. 261-272.
  • Günther, E./ Riethmüller, T. (2020): Introduction to crowdfunding - forms, areas of application, success factors, legal framework, Wiesbaden.
  • Weinert, S./ Günther, E./ Rüger-Muck, E./ Raab, G. (2019): The effect of company guest speakers on perceived employer attractiveness, in: Marketing Science & Inspirations, Vol. 14, No. 43, pp. 25-36.
  • Weinert, S./ Günther, E./ Rüger-Muck, E./ Raab, G. (2019): Scoring points with lectures. Guest lectures at universities and their impact, in: Personalwirtschaft, special issue Employer Branding and Personnel Marketing, No. 8/2019, pp. 28-30.
  • Weinert, S./ Günther, E./ Rüger-Muck, E./ Raab, G. (2019): The effect of company guest speakers on perceived employer attractiveness, in: M. Überwimmer/ R. Fureder/ M. Gaisch/ Y. Salas [Eds:] Proceedings of the 8th Cross-Cultural Business Conference 2019, pp. 343-353 (awarded best conference paper).
  • Günther, E./ Greven, G. (2019): Business model innovations of established companies - a literature-based presentation of the challenges and approaches using the case study of BMW Impact Ventures, in: PraxisWissen Marketing - German Journal of Marketing, No. 01/2019, pp. 32-44.
  • Günther, E./ Riethmüller, T. (2016): Crowdfunding im Mittelstand - Eine explorative Studie zu Kapitalnehmeranforderungen auf Basis der Adoptionstheorie, in: Der Betriebswirt, 57. Jg., Nr. 2, S. 32-37.
  • Winn, M. I./ Kirchgeorg, M./ Griffiths, A./ Günther, E./ Linnenlücke, M. K. (2011): Impacts from climate change on organizations: a conceptual foundation, Business Strategy and the Environment, Volume 20, Issue 3, pp. 157-173.
  • Günther, E. (2009): Klimawandel und Resilience Management - Interdisziplinäre Konzeption eines entscheidungsorientierten Ansatzes unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Resilience- und Klimawandeladaptionsforschung, Wiesbaden.
  • Günther, E. (2008): Critical appraisal of the "weak signals" concept in the context of discontinuous climate change impacts, in: Klante, O. [ed:] Current Perspectives on Marketing Management - Reflections from the Fields of Holistic Branding, Media Management and Sustainability Marketing, Wiesbaden, pp. 367-384.
  • Kirchgeorg, M./ Jung, K./ Günther, E. (2007): Top executives - characteristics, leadership behavior and challenges in a global context, in: Working Paper No. 196 of the Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft für Marketing und Unternehmensführung e.V., Leipzig.
  • Günther, E./ Kirchgeorg, M./ Winn, M. I. (2007): Resilience Management - Konzeptentwurf zum Umgang mit Auswirkungen des Klimawandels, in: UmweltWirtschaftsForum (uwf), Volume 15, Number 3/ September 2007, pp. 175-182.
  • Kirchgeorg, M./ Günther, E. (2006): Mit mir die Sintflut, in: Financial Times Deutschland, Beilage enable from November 8, 2006, pp. 24-25.
  • Kirchgeorg, M./ Günther, E./ Kästner, E. (2006): Leistungsfähigkeit des Wirtschaftsstandortes Deutschland im Ost-West-Vergleich - Bestandsaufnahme auf Grundlage makroökonomischer Daten und Analysen zum deutschlandspezifischen Eigen- und Fremdimage, in: Arbeitspapier Nr. 192 der Wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft für Marketing und Unternehmensführung e.V., Münster.
  • Kirchgeorg, M./ Günther, E. (2006): Employer Brands zur Unternehmensprofilierung im Personalmarkt - Eine Analyse der Wahrnehmung von Unternehmensmarken auf der Grundlage einer deutschlandweiten Befragung, in: HHL-Arbeitspapier Nr. 74, Leipzig.