Prof. Nina Knape, Ph. D..

Head of the Bachelor's degree program in Midwifery
Vice President
C1 .177
+49 621/5203-574
+49 621/5203-569
nina.knape@ 8< SPAM protection, please remove >8
Teaching materials by Prof. Nina Knape (registration required)...
Teaching areas
- Midwifery science
- Support and care concepts in midwifery work
- Evidence-based Midwifery
- Nursing and health management
- Health economic evaluations
- Hospital financing
- Human resources management
- Quantitative research and teaching research projects
Main research areas
- Health services research in obstetrics
- Health economic evaluations
Current research
Professional career
2/2017 | Degree with the title Philosophical Doctor in Nursing Science (Ph. D.) from the Private University of Witten/Herdecke |
Since 3/2015 | Professor of Midwifery Science and Head of the Dual Bachelor's Degree Program in Midwifery (B.Sc.) at the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society |
9/2014 until 2/2015 | Appointed to represent the Chair of Midwifery Science at Ludwigshafen University of Applied Sciences |
3/2014 until 8/2014 | Doctoral scholarship holder and lecturer at Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences |
4/2011 to 3/2014 | Doctoral scholarship holder of the research focus: Care during pregnancy, birth and puerperium - instruments for cross-sectoral quality development - IsQua at Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences and in the Ph. D. College of the University of Witten/Herdecke funded by the VW Foundation |
2006 until 3/2011 | Research assistant in the BMBF-funded research project: Cost/benefit and cost/effectiveness analyses of various care services in obstetrics at Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences |
3/2002 to 6/2006 | Part-time studies "Nursing and Health Management" at the University of Applied Sciences Osnabrück with the Degree: Diplom-Kauffrau (FH) |
10/1997 to 10/2006 | Freelance midwife with the main focus of activity: Intended births, preventive care, postpartum care, birth preparation and postnatal gymnastics |
Collaboration in the self-administration of the university
- Head of the dual Bachelor's degree program in Midwifery (B. Sc.)
- Member of the Examination Board in the Department of Social and Health Care
Memberships/participation in other committees
- German Society for Midwifery Science (DGHWi e.V.)
- Higher Education Section of the German Society for Midwifery Science
- German Association of Midwives (DHV e.V.)
- German Network for Evidence-based Medicine e.V.
- Round Table Obstetrics of the Ministry of Social Affairs, Labor, Health and Demography Rhineland-Palatinate
- Advisory board member of the industry monitoring project "State project on career retention in the healthcare professions" of the Rhineland-Palatinate Ministry of Social Affairs, Labor, Health and Demography
- Reviewer for the journal: Zeitschrift für Hebammenwissenschaft
- Member of the pedagogical advisory board of the German Midwives Association for the reform of the Midwives Act as part of the academization of the profession (2016-2017)
Peer Reviewed
Knape, N. & Sayn-Wittgenstein, F. z. (2018). The relationship between workload and care density of midwives and the use of analgesia and anesthesia procedures - a secondary data analysis. 4th International Conference of the German Society for Midwifery Science (DGHWi). Mainz, 16.02.2018. Düsseldorf: German Medical Science GMS Publishing House. doi: 10.3205/18dghwi02, urn: urn:nbn:de0183-18dghwi023.
Knape, N., Mayer, H., Schnepp, W. & Sayn-Wittgenstein, F. z. (2014). The association between attendance of midwives and workload of midwives with the mode of birth: Secondary analyses in the German healthcare system. BioMedCentral Pregnancy and Childbirth, 14, 300. doi: 10.1186/1471-2393-14-300.
Knape, N., Schnepp, W., Krahl, A. & Sayn-Wittgenstein, F. z. (2013). The efficiency of one-to-one support during labor - a literature analysis. Journal of Obstetrics and Neonatology, 217(5), 161-172.
Accepted lectures/workshops/symposia/poster
Kast, M., Hesse, F., Hobbie. C., Knape, N. (2019, May). Studying midwifery part-time. Poster at the National Congress of Midwives, German Midwives' Association, Bremen.
Knape, N. (2018, March 21). The academization of the midwifery profession in the context of the obstetric care situation in Rhineland-Palatinate. Presentation at the Parliamentary Evening of the Rhineland-Palatinate Midwives' Association, Mainz.
Knape, N. & Sayn-Wittgenstein, F. z. (2018, 16.2.). The relationship between the workload and care density of midwives and the use of analgesia and anesthesia procedures - a secondary data analysis. 4th presentation at the 4th International Conference of the German Society for Midwifery Science (DGHWi), Mainz.
Bosch, A., Knape, N., Beckmann, L. & Hähner-Rombach, S. (2017, November 30). Avoiding caesarean section - a qualitative analysis of relevant factors from the perspective of midwives and doctors in delivery rooms with below-average caesarean section rates. Presentation at the 28th German Congress for Perinatal Medicine, Berlin.
Knape, N. (2016, May 4). Caesarean section: from an economic perspective. Presentation at the National Congress of Midwives, German Midwives' Association, Hamburg.
Knape, N. (2015, 26.11.). Labor density and continuity of care during childbirth. Presentation at the 3rd International Symposium on Thinking ahead in Obstetrics, Osnabrück.
Muhl, J., Knape, N., Rogava, N. & Sayn-Wittgenstein, F. z. (2014, February 21). The process analysis of obstetric departments in the context of midwifery staffing needs assessment. Poster at the 2nd International Conference of the German Society for Midwifery Science, Kassel.
Knape, N., Schnepp, W. & Sayn-Wittgenstein, F. z. (2013, May 23-25). Determining organizational predictors supporting normal birth. Poster at the First European Congress on Intrapartum Care, Amsterdam.
Rogava, N., Knape, N., Gorschlüter, P., Haubrock, M. & Sayn-Wittgenstein, F. z. (2013, May 5). Challenges in the development of a personnel needs assessment instrument: Presentation and critical analysis of the chosen method. Poster at the research workshop, Hebammengemeinschaftshilfe, Nuremberg.
Rogava, N., Knape, N., Gorschlüter, P., Haubrock, M. & Sayn-Wittgenstein, F. z. (2013, 7.5.). Approaches to determining the staffing requirements of midwives in obstetrics - strengths and limitations. Presentation at the National Congress of Midwives, German Midwives' Association, Nuremberg.
Knape, N., Schnepp, W. & Sayn-Wittgenstein, F. z. (2013, May 7). Midwives' attendances, workloads, interventions and job profiles - which work factors and working models of midwives influence the level of remuneration for childbirth in hospitals? Presentation at the National Congress of Midwives, German Midwives' Association, Nuremberg.
Further publications
DGHWi (2018). Recommendations of the Higher Education Section of the German Society for Midwifery Science e.V. for the transfer of midwifery education to universities. Accessed on 26.8.2018
DHV & DGHWI (2017). Key issues paper of the German Midwifery Association and the German Society for Midwifery Science on the reform of the midwifery profession. Accessed on 2.1.2019
Knape, N. & Bauer, N. H. (2017). On the reform of professional laws and the work of the Pedagogical Advisory Board of the German Midwifery Association. Journal of Midwifery Science, 5(1), 7-8. Accessed on 26.8.2018 at
Knape, N. (2016). A secondary data analysis of the workload and care density of midwives in the clinical obstetric care of low-risk parturients. Dissertation. University of Witten/Herdecke, Witten.
Knape, N. & Schäfers, R. (2015). Statement of the German Society of Midwifery Science on the regionalization of obstetric care in Schleswig-Holstein. Journal of Midwifery Science 3(2), 46-51.
Herrmann, V., Liehr, C., Noltemeyer, S., Scholz, G., Stoltenberg, E. & Knape, N. (2014). The rattling stork brings no solution. German Midwives Journal, 66(9), 74-78.
Knape, N. (2013). Between innovation and tradition - the birth of a peer review process. Journal of Midwifery Sciences, 1(2), 34-35.
Matterne, A., Ayerle, G., Schäfers, R. & Knape, N. (2013). Statement of the German Society for Midwifery Science (DGHWi) on the current caesarean section rate in Germany. Journal of Midwifery Science, 1(2), 40-47.
Schäfers, R., Ayerle G., Mattern, E., Knape, N. & Greening, M. (2013). Statement of the DGHWi. Skillfully doing nothing. German Midwives Journal, 1(1),14-6.
Schäfers, R., Ayerle, G., Mattern, E., Knape, N. & Greening, M. (2013). Statement on interventions in midwifery. Journal of Midwifery Science, 1(1), 12-13.
Krahl, A., Knape, N. & Loytved, C. (2013). Statement on the Birthplace Study in England. Journal of Midwifery Science, 1(1), 17-20.