Quality planning

In the planning phase, the (concrete) objectives and the processes and measures required to ensure quality, including the necessary resources, are defined.
At degree program level, for example, this means that a degree program determines which competencies a student should have by the time they graduate (qualification objectives) and how these are to be achieved (development of objectives and measures). The curriculum is then designed accordingly, didactic concepts are developed, etc. (process design). The results are set out in the respective study program concept and the documentation of objectives.
The development of objectives as part of quality assurance and development supports this development process and takes place not only in the context of the development of new degree programs, but in particular also in the further development of an existing degree program and can also be transferred to the Department, the University, the Central units and the research area.
Templates and handouts:
- Process mapping goal development (in progress)
- Template target documentation (Intranet, in progress)
Existing policies and strategies:
- Diversity Charter
- Diversity concept
- Internationalization strategy
- Leadership and service principles (intranet)
- Principles for good employment