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Book on the "History of the Protestant University of Applied Sciences Ludwigshafen" published

The Protestant University of Applied Sciences was opened in 1971 under the auspices of the Palatinate Regional Church and was dissolved in March 2008. Its degree programs and staff were transferred to the state-run Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society as the new fourth Department of Social and Health Sciences. In the almost 37 years of its existence, the Protestant University of Applied Sciences ran degree programs in social work, social pedagogy and social work, nursing pedagogy and nursing management, religious education and church education, mediation, social gerontology and corporate management in the welfare sector. It developed activities in further and continuing education and research.

The book examines the history of this educational institution, including its prehistory since 1946, and provides an overview of the developments of the Department of Social and Health Care that emerged from it from 2008 to 2022. It documents the organizational, personnel, curricular, further and continuing education and research developments, among other things. An appendix contains four transcribed interviews with contemporary witnesses. The monograph deals with the academic self-image, the tension between academic freedom and ecclesiastical commitment, the closure debates and the change of sponsor as well as the development of professionalization and expertise.

The author Dr. theol. habil. Arnd Götzelmann is Professor of Social Work at the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society.

The book "Geschichte der Evangelischen Fachhochschule Ludwigshafen" was presented to the interested public aton June 28, 2023 in the auditorium of the Department of Social and Health Care at HWG LU. Author Prof. Dr. Arnd Götzelmann took an anecdotal and entertaining look at the history of the predecessor institution of today's Department of Social and Health Care, from the founding of the Protestant University of Applied Sciences in 1971 to its closure in 2008. The book presentation was followed by a discussion round with lively participation from companions and contemporary witnesses. The book launch was accompanied by wonderful music from the well-known guitarist Claus Boesser-Ferrari, an alumnus of the Protestant University of Applied Sciences.

Arnd Götzelmann (2023):
History of the Protestant University of Applied Sciences Ludwigshafen. From its foundation in 1971 to its closure in 2008. With a chronological overview from 1946 to 2022
Norderstedt: Verlag Books on Demand, paperback 512 pages with numerous illustrations and photos, (print) €25.99 ISBN: 978-3-7412-9011-4,
(eBook) €12.99 ISBN: 978-3-7578-3596-5

Two further volumes have also been published as part of the same research project:

Arnd Götzelmann (ed.) (2018): Two and a half anniversaries. Der Department Sozial- und Gesundheitswesen der Hochschule Ludwigshafen am Rhein und seine Vorgeschichte seit 1948, Norderstedt: Books on Demand, paperback, 468 p., book price (print) €19.99 ISBN: 978-3-7528-9789-0, (eBook) €9.99 ISBN: 978-3-7528-5754-2

Arnd Götzelmann (2019): On the history of Protestant training centers for social work in the Palatinate. An exemplary study on the professionalization and academization of social work since 1945. From the Protestant School for Church and Social Service (1948) to the Seminar for Social Professions in Speyer (1950) to the Higher Technical Colleges for Social Work and Social Pedagogy (1970) and the Protestant University of Applied Sciences Ludwigshafen (1971-2008), Norderstedt: Books on Demand, paperback, 200 pages, book price (print) €14.99 ISBN 978-3-7481-7235-2, (eBook) €11.99 ISBN 978-3-7481-9599-3

Professional contact:
Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society
Prof. Dr. Arnd Götzelmann
Department IV Social and Health Care
Tel. 0621/5203-555
Email: arnd.goetzelmann@ 8< SPAM protection, please remove >8 hwg-lu.de

Prof. Dr. Arnd Götzelmann in conversation with the well-known guitarist Claus Boesser-Ferrari, an alumnus of the EFH (Photo: HWG LU/Wassmann)
Prof. Dr. Arnd Götzelmann in conversation with the well-known guitarist Claus Boesser-Ferrari, an alumnus of the EFH (Photo: HWG LU/Wassmann)
Title page of the book "History of the Protestant University of Applied Sciences".
Title page of the book "History of the Protestant University of Applied Sciences".


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