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Improve your process grade

The average grade of your school-leaving certificate (qualification for university entrance, HZB) or first degree is of particular importance for admission to a course of study at HWG Ludwigshafen; you cannot change this grade. However, it is possible to improve your procedural grade, i.e. the grade with which you are accepted into the admission procedure. This is based on Annex 2 of the new statutes of the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society on the organization of the selection procedure: "Selection of foreign nationals or stateless persons who are not equivalent to Germans according to § 1 paragraph 2 sentence 2 StPVLVO (§ 5)".


1. the selection is made in accordance with § 12 paragraph 2 StPVLVO. The procedural grade is calculated from the average grade of the qualification for university entrance or the grade of the first university degree minus the total sum of the bonuses according to no. 2 and 3.

2.  Bonuses for special circumstances (max. 0.6 grade values)

Special circumstances are deemed to exist if the applicant

a)  receives a scholarship from a German institution for the promotion of talented students (bonus 0.5),

b)  receives funding on the basis of intergovernmental agreements or university agreements (bonus 0.5),

c)  enjoys the right of asylum in the Federal Republic of Germany (bonus 0.3),

d)  has acquired the qualification for university entrance exclusively under foreign law at a German school abroad (bonus 0.3),

e)  is a graduate of a Rhineland-Palatinate preparatory or language college and is applying to HWG Ludwigshafen in the semester following the final examination of the preparatory or language college (bonus 0.3),

f)  already had a previous admission to the degree program applied for at HWG Ludwigshafen and was unable to take advantage of it for proven reasons for which he/she is not responsible (e.g. visa, illness) (bonus 0.3); the number of previous admissions is irrelevant for the bonus amount.

g)  provides proof of German language proficiency at C2 level when applying for degree programs that only require proof of C1 level (bonus 0.5)


3.  Bonus based on proof of a general or subject-specific study aptitude test

Applicants who provide proof of the TestAS receive a bonus on the average grade of their qualification for university entrance according to the following table, depending on the number of points achieved (max. 1.0 grade points):

TestAS standard score (core test)

Improvement (bonus) of the HZB grade by

100 - 110


111 - 120


121 - 130


TestAS - standard value (subject module)

Improvement (bonus) of the HZB grade by

100 - 110


111 - 120


121 - 130



The bonuses from the core test and subject module are added together. If the subject module was taken in a subject area that does not match the degree program applied for, it will not be taken into account. The degree programs are assigned to subject modules according to the following table

Subject module of the TestAS

Degree programs at the HWG Ludwigshafen


All economics degree programs, business informatics

Mathematics, computer science and natural sciences

Business Informatics

Humanities, cultural and social sciences

Social work, nursing, innovative care practice in nursing and midwifery, nursing education