Funding opportunities

Staying abroad is expensive, but there are many ways to apply for funding.
Please note: The funding opportunities are to be considered as a subsidy and never completely cover the costs.
The cost of stays abroad varies greatly from country to country (travel expenses, cost of living, etc.). Please keep this in mind when selecting your universities of choice.
On this page you will find information about the following scholarship programs or funding opportunities for your semester abroad:
- Erasmus
- Promos
- Scholarship Foundation of the State of Rhineland-Palatinate
- DAAD - Semester Program
- DAAD - annual program
- Fulbright (for Master in the USA)
- Auslands-BaföG
- Education fund
- student loans
- other scholarship programs, e.g. from the Ranke-Heinemann-Institute
Erasmus+ study visits to partner universities in Europe
The EU supports student mobility within Europe with a mobility grant from Erasmus + SMS. Since 2015/16 there are 2 program lines:
One is the Program Country Program; this covers study visits to EU countries, EFTA countries and Turkey . Since 2015/16 there is also a partner country program, through which the EU particularly promotes mobilities outside the EU.
- Funding is provided for study visits to partner universities
- the current amount of the grant for program countriesand partner countries
- Application deadlines are 15.1. for the winter semester and 1.7. for the summer semester;
- Application procedures for a mobility grant: Please include your own letter of motivation with your application for a semester abroad at one of the Erasmus partner universities. In addition to your motivation regarding the place of study, please also briefly mention the financing of your project abroad.
Study visits to a partner university in Switzerland
As Switzerland cannot participate in the Erasmus+ program due to a referendum in 2014, students studying an exchange semester at a partner university in Switzerland are funded by the Swiss National Agency.
The receiving Swiss university decides on the approval of a financial grant for the exchange semester
For students from Germany the monthly grant is CHF 420 (EUR 390)
Promos supports with partial funding (residence and mobility grants):
Semester stays at a foreign university
Short-term study visits to write a thesis
Internship abroad
outside the Erasmus program
Funding rates: the minimum funding perioddepends on the duration of the stay
up to 6 weeks: 1 monthly rate
6 weeks - 3 months: 1,5 monthly rates
more than 3 months: 2 monthly rates
the current funding rates can be found here
Eligibility requirements:
minimum average grade of 2.5
minimum duration of stay: 6 weeks
Documents to be submitted:
informative letter of motivation
curriculum vitae
current transcript of grades with average grade
signed application
confirmation of the host university, if it is not a partner university
stays at a partner university in Europe (Erasmus) are not eligible for funding
Application deadlines:
November 15 for the following summer semester
April 15 for the following winter semester
Selection procedure:
the selection of the scholarship holders takes place promptly, i.e. at the beginning of January and at the end of April by a selection committee or according to the 4-eyes principle according to the following criteria: Completeness of documents
Meaningful letter of motivation
Current average grade
Preference will be given to study visits to partner universities.
Please apply for partial funding by Promos using this form including all required documents and send everything by email to: Darijo.Zivkovic@ 8< SPAM protection, please remove >8
Scholarship Foundation of the State of Rhineland-Palatinate
At the universities in Rhineland-Palatinate, students can apply for partial funding from the scholarship funds of the state of Rhineland-Palatinate for
stays abroad at a foreign university outside the Erasmus program
- internship abroad
- The amount of funding is based on the Promos partial scholarships; stays at a partner university within the Erasmus+ area are not eligible for funding .
Funding requirements
Minimum average grade of 2.0
Documents to be submitted
- Meaningful letter of motivation
- Curriculum vitae
- Current grade transcript with average grade
- signed application
- Acceptance letter from the host university, if it is not a partner university
Application deadlines: November 15 for the following summer semester/April 15 for the following winter semester
Selection procedure
The selection of the scholarship holders takes place promptly, i.e. at the beginning of January and at the end of Aprilby a selection committee or according to the 4-eyes principle according to the following criteria
- Completeness of the documents
- meaningful letter of motivation
- current average grade
- Study stays at partner universities are preferentially supported.
Please apply for a partial sponsorship by the Scholarship Foundation withthisformincluding all required documents and send your documents by email to: Johanna.Weber@ 8< SPAM protection, please remove >8
DAAD Scholarship Program HAW.International
Students in Bachelor's, Master's and Diploma programs at German HAW/FH (universities of applied sciences/universities of applied sciences) receive scholarships in this program for stays abroad as part of their studies or final thesis outside the Erasmus program.
Who can be sponsored?
Students of all disciplines in Bachelor's, Master's and diploma programs at German HAW/FH can apply.
Under certain regulations, persons with foreign citizenship can also be included in the funding measures.
What is supported?
Funding is provided for study visits and stays abroad as part of a final thesis.
The duration of the sponsorship varies according to the type of stay:
- study stays 3 to 6 months,
- stays in the context of final theses 1 to 6 months.
Application deadlines
- 31.10.2022 for scholarship start between March and June 2023
(selection date January 2023)
detailed information can be found on the pages of the DAAD
One-year scholarship of the DAAD
The DAAD offers a one-year scholarship for students of all disciplines.
The program is particularly aimed at students who would like to spend a year abroad outside the Erasmus program countries while studying in Germany.
Funding is provided for one academic year (one academic year, depending on the host country 2 semesters or 3 trimesters) with a maximum funding duration of 12 months. An extension is not possible.
Please note that shorter stays or semester stays are not funded in this program.
Scholarship Benefits
The scholarship includes the following benefits
a monthly scholarship installment, depending on the host country
Travel allowance, depending on the host country
Health, accident and personal liability insurance benefits
In addition, further benefits may be granted upon application under certain regulations:
Subsidy for tuition fees, if applicable, up to an upper limit
Subsidy for a language course (national language or language of instruction or working language)
Application deadlines
Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Korea:
March 31, 2021, selection date in June for start of funding from July/August/September/October 2021 or from February/March/April 2022 (depending on the start of the semester in the respective host country)
Taiwan, PR China, Hong Kong, Macao, Singapore:
September 30, 2020, selection date in December for funding start from September 2021 onwardsUSA, Canada:
01 October 2020, selection date in January for funding start from September 2021 onwards
For more information, visit:
Combined study and internship semesters abroad
The aim of the program is to enable students and master's students to gain international study and practical experience within the framework of a connected stays abroad. By combining a study semester with a practical semester, the scholarship holders should qualify themselves internationally with regard to both their further academic and professional careers.
What is supported?
The combination of a study semester and an internship semester is supported.
A practical semester is an internship that is integrated into the regular course of studies. It must be prescribed in the curriculum of the degree programs concerned and recognized by the home university.
In principle, projects can start with both the study semester and the practical semester. The study semester and the internship semester should be completed in the same country.
Stays to improve language skills, to carry out studies on the country or to write a thesis are not supported.
Scholarship benefits
The scholarship includes the following benefits
- a monthly scholarship installment, depending on the host country
- Travel allowance, depending on the host country
- Health, accident and personal liability insurance benefits
Duration of the scholarship
The scholarship is awarded for a total duration of seven to twelve months, depending on the project.
The duration of the study semester (minimum three months) may vary depending on the host country. The requirements for the duration and design of the practical semester (at least two months) are based on the curriculum of the home university.
Application deadlines (selection)
- Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Korea:
March 31, 2021, selection date in June for start of funding from July/August/September/October 2021 or from February/March/April 2022 (depending on start of semester in the respective host country) - Taiwan, PR China, Hong Kong, Macao, Singapore:
September 30, 2020, selection deadline in December for funding start from September 2021 onwards.
Further information including deadlines for other country groups can be found at
Fulbright - Study visits for graduate students (Master) in the USA
The Fulbright Commission awards partial scholarships and travel grants for study visits to the USA by students and graduates of German colleges and universities
Partial scholarships All information can be found at: |
Travel scholarships Who can apply:
Further information and the application documents can be found at: |
Bafög abroad
Eligibility requirements worldwide:
- Permanent residence must be in Germany
- Training abroad must last at least 6 months or 1 semester; in the context of a cooperation, a stay of 12 weeks is also funded - trimesters are not funded
- Funding of voluntary semesters abroad may not be possible
- the educational institution abroad must be comparable to a German one
- Before the stays abroad, the student must have already studied for 1 year in Germany, a country in the EU or in Switzerland in approximately the same subject area ; for MA students, BA studies are credited, i.e. a semester abroad in the 1st or 2nd semester can also be funded the semester abroad, i.e. achievements should be recognized by the home university;
- the semester abroad can also take place during a vacation semester a semester abroad that takes place between a BA and MA program cannot be funded if there is no enrollment Plus all regulations that also apply to the domestic BaföG ( maximum funding period, evidence of academic achievement, change of subject)
- The semester abroad is not counted towards the maximum funding period. If you are not entitled to domestic Bafög, you will also not receive Bafög abroad; in principle, this does not mean mathematically. The stays abroad must begin within the maximum funding period; information on the amount of the country supplement can be found on the Bmbf website. Selected offices are responsible for the Ausland-Bafög for the whole of Germany and for certain groups of countries. For more information on the Bafög abroad and to download application forms, see https://www.bafö
Education Fund
Deutsche Bildung offers study support for a semester abroad. There are 5 entrepreneurial families active in Deutsche Bildung who, as shareholders and investors, offer financial support opportunities for a semester abroad with the help of a study fund.
- high motivation to study
- Semester abroad as part of a course of study at a state-recognized higher education institution
- grades (a rather subordinate role)
are irrelevant:
- Field of study
- Semester
- 100 - 100 €/month already from 4 months of funding for living and study costs abroad
- additional one-time payment, e.g. for tuition fees and flight ticket
- a total amount between 3.500 and 25.000€ is possible
- repayment is made proportionally from later income
The study grant can be combined with other sources of funding without any problems.
Further information at:
Student Loans
A student loan is basically the worst way to finance a study program or a semester abroad - but it is often the last resort. Therefore, before taking out a student loan, you should find out exactly what the various offers are. The CHE brochure CHE-Studienkredit-Test 2017 compares 43 student loans and education funds; you can download this brochure free of charge
A final loan for the last 2 years of study can also be used for stays abroad and can be an alternative to the KfW education loan.
You should definitely pay attention to this when taking out a loan or credit:
- Long-term payment
- Grace period for repayment
- Fixed interest rate, if possible over the entire term
- Deferral of interest during the term, otherwise the amount paid out will be reduced
Repayment is due immediately if studies are discontinued
Other scholarships and funding opportunities
not all scholarship providers listed there on this page are eligible, as they are partly regionally or ideologically bound; but the search may be worthwhile.
Scholarships of the Ranke-Heinemann-Institute
these scholarships are for semesters abroad in Australia and New Zealand
here you can find all scholarships offered
and here the terms of use
GOstralia also awards scholarships for a semester abroad at one of the universities you represent in Australia or New Zealand,
but especially in 2020 on the occasion of the 20th anniversary