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Structure of the complaint procedure

The aim of the directive is to protect against discrimination, harassment, stalking and bullying. This also includes preventive measures to avoid disadvantages and the identification of clear procedures and sanction options.
To this end, a two-stage procedure has been developed, consisting of consultations and accompaniment (non-formal procedure) and/or a complaint to the complaints office (formal procedure). In addition, there is the option of making use of a conflict resolution procedure.

Within the framework of the non-formal procedure, confidential advice and support is provided in the complaint and conflict resolution procedure. The contact points of the university are defined in § 8 of the guideline.

The complaints office within themeaning of the directive (§ 9) and in accordance with § 13 AGG is located in the legal department. Complaints must be submitted in writing or stated verbally in writing to the complaints office. At the request of the person making the complaint, the advisory contact points will assist with the written formulation. The task of the Complaints Office is to determine the facts of the case, to inform the university management of the result of the examination and to suggest the further course of action. The university management decides on further measures or sanctions according to § 10 of the guideline.

The complaints office according to § 13 AGG and § 9 of the guideline is the legal department:

Carolin Nöhrbaß:
Email: Carolin.Noehrbass@hwg-lu.de
Tel.: +49 (0) 621/5203-353

It is also possible to participate in a conflict resolution procedure (§§ 7-9 of the directive), regardless of whether a formal complaints procedure has been initiated. The aim of conflict resolution is to ensure that further cooperation in the workplace and studies is free of discrimination and conflict. The prerequisite for this is the consent of the person making the complaint. The responsibility for the process lies with the supervisors, the heads of degree programs and the deans. In the Department of Management, Controlling, HealthCare, responsibility for conflict resolution lies with the dean and the liaison lecturer.
The use of external mediation (according to § 9 of the guideline) is only possible for employees of the university, professors and teaching staff for special occasions under certain regulations.