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The latest registration deadline for the final thesis and the processing time are regulated in the General Examination Regulations (APO) or the special examination regulations of the degree programs attended. The application for admission to the thesis must be submitted in writing to the respective examination board using the registration form.

After you have discussed the topic of your thesis with your supervisor*, please complete the thesis registration form completely and legibly and hand it in to the SSC Student Management with your signature and the signature of the first assessor*. Once the application has been signed by the Chair* of the Examination Board, the thesis registration will be displayed in your university portal.

In principle, the extension of the processing time for the thesis can be approved by the Examination Board in justified exceptional cases. For this purpose, the form "Antrag auf Verlängerung der Bearbeitungszeit der Abschlussarbeit" (including the attachments proving the reason) must be completed and submitted to the SSC Student Management with the signature of the supervisor. The forms are only available at the SSC Student Management!

If you have to extend the processing time of the written thesis due to illness, the completed and signed application for extension of the processing time of the thesis must also be accompanied by the completed form Medical certificate to justify the inability to take the examination  to the SSC Student Management.

Please refer to the examination regulations applicable to you for the maximum extension of the processing time.

The new submission deadline will be communicated in an official letter from the chair of the examination board.

We recommend using this cover sheet template for the final thesis.

Your assurance that you have written the thesis independently and that no sources and aids other than those specified have been used must be included in each copy and signed by you (a scanned signature is not permitted). Departments I to IV ask you to use the following wording for the declaration of independence:

"I, [first name last name], hereby declare that I have completed this [Bachelor's / Master's thesis] independently. I have not made use of any unauthorized help.

I have only used the sources and aids indicated. I have identified all passages that were taken from other works or sources in terms of wording or meaning, stating the source. This also applies to pictorial representations or products based on artificial intelligence.

The admissibility or inadmissibility of applications based on artificial intelligence (AI) as an aid has been agreed with the first reviewer. The documentation of the AI applications used and the way in which results that I have created using AI-based tools and included in this thesis are identified has also been agreed with the first reviewer.

I am fully responsible for the content and quality of my work. This also applies to integrated results from AI applications.

This work has not yet been submitted in the same or a similar form to any examination authority. Furthermore, I confirm that the paper version I have submitted is identical to the electronic version.

I am aware that any violation of the principles of good scientific practice will be penalized. I acknowledge that this work can be checked for plagiarism or undisclosed aids using software and saved for examination purposes."

If the thesis may not be read by third parties, please enter an "embargo note" on one of the first pages.

The thesismust be bound and submitted in electronic form by the deadline, i.e. by the calculated submission date at the latest.

The submission date of the bound thesis is the deadline. If the submission deadline is not met, the thesis will be assessed as "insufficient" in accordance with the regulations of the examination regulations.

Please submit the thesis in hardcover (no ring or spiral binding) by the deadline. The required number of bound copies can be found in the special examination regulations for your degree programs. If nothing is regulated therein, 1 hard-bound copy must be submitted in accordance with the General Examination Regulations.

You can either hand in the thesis in person at the university or send it by post by the submission date at the latest. If you send it by post (parcel or registered mail), please send the proof of posting to the responsible clerk (SSC student management clerk) as a scan by e-mail. The date of posting at the post office is the date of receipt at the university.

To submit your thesis in person, please make an appointment with your student administration office. Under no circumstances may the thesis be posted in the university's letterbox!



On the submission date of the bound copy of the thesis at the latest, please also send it by e-mail as a PDF file EXCLUSIVELY to your SSC Student Administration Office. This PDF file is the "electronic version" required by the General Examination Regulations.

As soon as the SSC Student Management has received the corrected thesis (and the result of the colloquium, if applicable), you will receive a corresponding notification, which will also contain the grade for the thesis.

As a rule, the final thesis is the last examination. Please note that you must remain enrolled until the last examination has been completed.

If the deadline for submitting the thesis, the day of the colloquium or the day of the last examination is not until the following semester (end of semester SS: 31.8., end of semester WS: 28./29.2.), you must re-register for the new semester, i.e. the semester fee (and any fees) must be transferred again!

Ex officio de-registration takes place at the end of the semester in which the last examination was taken.

Anschrift der Hochschule

Annabell Terstappen


Ernst-Boehe-Str. 4-6
67059 Ludwigshafen

C 1.114+49 621 5203-258+49 173 7562631+49 621 5203-196

Sybille Juretzka

Stellv. LeitungStudierenden-Service-Center

Ernst-Boehe-Straße 4-6
67059 Ludwigshafen

C 1.106+49 621 5203-332+49 152 59200319+49 621 5203-196