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Examination regulations

This page briefly summarizes the most important points of the current examination regulations. No legal claim can be derived from it. The module handbook and examination times supplement the special examination regulations of the IME degree programs.

Missing ex aminations

An examination is graded as "insufficient" (5.0) or "failed" if:

  • Absence without valid reasons
  • Withdrawal without valid reasons after the start of an examination
  • Failure to submit an examination paper on time

An examination can be assessed as "insufficient" if

  • Cheating or use of unauthorized aids
  • Exclusion from the examination due to disruption

In the event of illness, a medical certificate must be submitted immediately, i.e. no later than the 3rd day after the examination date, to the Chair of the Examination Board via the Examination Office. This must contain at least the following information:

  • Duration of the illness,
  • Dates of medical treatment,
  • the nature and extent of the illness, stating the facts ascertained by the doctor on the basis of his or her own observations (it is not necessary to state the diagnosis), and
  • the effects of the illness on the examinations.

Registration for examinations

Every examination must be registered (including "successful participation"). Registration takes place within a certain period of time via the PC pools. Registration is binding. Deregistration from an examination is only accepted up to 10 days before the respective examination.

Final thesis

The Bachelor's thesis must be registered at the earliest after 150 credits have been earned and at the latest 365 days after passing the last module examination. The topic can only be returned once and only within the first four weeks of the processing time.

Processing time: 10 weeks

Assessment of examinations

  • very good                                                           1.0; 1.3
  •   good                                                                         xml-ph-0037@deepl.int
  • satisfactory                                           2,7; 3,0; 3,3
  • sufficient                                             3.7; 4.0
  • not sufficient                           5,0

In addition and independently of the respective grade, the credits shown are awarded. To determine the overall grade, the grades of the individual modules and the final thesis are multiplied by the respective credit points. The sum of the weighted grades is then divided by the sum of the credit points.

Repeating examinations

  • Each examination can be repeated twice if failed.
  • A thesis graded "insufficient" can be repeated once.
  • Repeat attempts must be completed in the following semester.
  • During the course of study, an examination can be repeated to improve grades. However, this examination must be passed and repeated in the following semester.