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Employee Management from a Practical Perspective: Michael Cordier Visits the IPO Study Program

As part of Prof. Dr. Peter Mudra's leadership course, students on the International Personnel Management and Organization (IPO) Bachelor's degree programme are very much involved with the combination of scientific theories and models on the one hand and their implementation and practical experience on the other. Accordingly, experienced managers from the field are regularly invited to exchange ideas with the students in their final semester of the course.

In the summer semester 2023, Michael Cordier, the long-standing managing director of the Ludwigshafener Kongress- und Marketinggesellschaft (LUKOM) and the Marketingverein Ludwigshafen e.V., was a guest. He is very familiar with the university thanks to their many years of collaboration. In 2020, Michael Cordier, who has been nicknamed "Mister Ludwigshafen" due to his outstanding commitment to his home city, was honored with the Ludwigshafen University Medal of the HWG Ludwigshafen for his special services in integrating the university into the city society.

As guest speaker, Michael Cordier first took the students on a journey through his career and in particular his various leadership roles. The fact that he had managed a medium-sized retail company in Ludwigshafen for several decades before joining LUKOM provided an ideal starting point for the aspects of "leadership development" and "leadership success". Together with the students, he actively collected the various points on which "good leadership" can be determined and gave numerous tips from his "box of experience". At the Degree, he illustrated his central point that leadership is a question of attitude and the image of man with his favorite poem "Success" by Stevenson.

The fact that the students were very impressed by this "lesson" with Michael Cordier was demonstrated not only by their very active participation, but also by their outstandingly positive evaluation as part of the usual event evaluation.

Michael Cordier