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Diversity Management at the University of Applied Sciences Ludwigshafen

Jutta Rump; Imke Buß; Janina Kaiser; Melanie Schiedhelm; Petra Schorat-Waly

With the adoption of the diversity management concept at the beginning of 2015, the Senate of the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society confirmed its general commitment to a diversity-oriented university policy. Diversity management (DiM) at the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society interprets diversity in terms of 'diversity as differences and similarities'. This means that not only the 'otherness' of groups of people should be addressed, but also what unites them. Inclusive, strategic diversity management also takes the intersectional perspective into account by looking at various diversity dimensions simultaneously and examining the question of which interactions exist and when which categories become significant for the management of diversity (Ebenherr 2012). The aim is to prevent existing stereotypes and prejudices against a certain group of people from being reproduced through the attribution of typical characteristics and behaviors. Diversity is fundamentally seen as an opportunity. The university is continuing a long-established approach here: the International Office, for example, has been supporting international students and exchange lecturers since 1991. The audit to become the first family-friendly university in Germany in 2002 stands out in particular. Since then, the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society has been re-audited four times under the leadership of the Equal Opportunities Officer. By signing the Diversity Charter in 2010, the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society has now also committed itself in writing to dealing fairly with diversity characteristics such as gender, nationality, ethnic origin, social background, religion or belief, disability, age, sexual orientation and identity. This was further anchored in the adoption of the new mission statement in 2014 and in the HR development concept in 2015.

The mission statement reads: "The Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society stands for (...) mutual respect and appreciation (...) lively diversity and equal opportunities." (Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society 2014, Self-conception and values).

The mission statement describes the areas in which the university is active in seven points:
1. Developing social and educational commitment in the idea of an open university
2. Promoting the compatibility of work and/or study in different life situations
3. Supporting educational advancement
4.Development of diversity-oriented individual advisory and support services for students
5. Assumption of social responsibility as a public educational institution
6. Promotion of internationalization among teaching staff and students
7. Creation of healthy study and working conditions at the university

In April 2016, the areas of equality, family friendliness, accessibility and diversity were combined into an integrated diversity management system in order to act more efficiently as a unit. The Coordination Office for Equal Opportunities and Diversity was established for this purpose. It develops strategies and concepts to promote equal opportunities at the university.

Further information at: www.hwg-lu.de/service/chancengleichheit-und-vielfalt.html and http://www.hwg-lu.de/service/studium-lehre/diversity.html

Ebenherr, H. (2012): Intersectionality and stereotyping: basic theories and concepts in organizational research. In: R. Bendl, E. Hannapi-Egger and R. Hofmann (eds.): Diversity and diversity management. Vienna: Facultas, pp. 61-78.

Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society (2014): Mission statement. Ludwigshafen. Available online at [https://www.hwg-lu.de/fileadmin/user_upload/service/studium-und-lehre/qualitaetsmanagement/Leitbild_Flyer.pdf], last checked on 19.08.2015.

Rump, Jutta; Buß, Imke; Kaiser, Janina; Schiedhelm, Melanie; Schorat-Waly, Petra (2017): Diversity and diversity management at the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society. In: Rump, Jutta; Buß, Imke; Kaiser, Janina; Schiedhelm, Melanie; Schorat-Waly, Petra: Toolbox for good education in a diverse student body. Working Papers of the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society, No. 6.

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