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Rescue" mentoring program

Project management:Prof. Dr. Johannes Kals
Project duration:Summer semester 2014 to winter semester 2014/15
Project description:

The project is about a targeted addition to the Department's mentoring program: The last mandatory mentoring meeting takes place in the second semester, but the weaker students get into trouble in the third or fourth semester and then usually disappear silently without seeking further help. Often, the cause is not a lack of talent, but the students simply have poorer general conditions - often linked to the idea of diversity (foreigners with German as a foreign language, single mothers, illnesses, financial bottlenecks in "educationally disadvantaged" homes...).

We can save the degrees of many of these students by providing targeted advice and support. All students who require a second correction of an exam should be invited in writing to a confidential discussion. In the case of a second correction, students still have the opportunity to retake the exam (other conditions may also be defined in the examination regulations). Students are often under great pressure and make obvious mistakes in the organization of their studies. Depending on the student's situation, help can be offered.

Target groups:Students of the Management, Controlling, HealthCare Department
Diversity dimension:Diversity in general
Contact details:

Prof. Dr. Johannes Kals



Petra Schorat-Waly

Profile picture Petra Schorat-Waly

Qualitätsmanagement & Organisationsentwicklung

Ernst-Boehe-Str. 4 – 6
67227 Ludwigshafen

A 208+49 621 5203-358+49 172 3437059+49 621 5203-379