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Conference of lecturers at the Department of Management, Controlling, HealthCare

This year's faculty conference at the Department of Management, Controlling, HealthCare took place on May 23, 2018. The format has proven itself for exchange between full-time faculty, adjunct faculty and staff. This year, the focus was on the topic of profile building.

It has become a tradition for the dean to begin the conference by recognizing and honoring long-timefaculty members with a gift and introducing the new faces.  After an overview of important key figures, such as the development of student numbers in the bachelor's and master's degree programs, the department's Critical Path Manager, Ms. Meister, presents the so-called early warning system as an instrument for recognizing situations that are critical to academic success. Since the summer semester of 2017, this instrument has been used to initiate targeted student counseling. As a result, a reduction in the dropout rate should be achieved.

Based on the results of last year's conference on education, the program directors Prof. Dr. Sandra Kirchner-Khairy and Prof. Dr. Dieter Thomaschewski present the milestones achieved so far in the course of the reaccreditation of the Bachelor's programs in Controlling and International Management Eastern Europe. With the extension of the practical phase in the Controlling degree programs from three to six months and a broadening of the business administration fundamentals, key impulses from the previous conference have been realized. Implications for the future three-semester master's programs in Controlling and Innovation Management were outlined.

The question of the most important target groups of the department opened the second part of the conference. In the exchange moderated by Prof. Dr. Thomaschewski and Prof. Dr. Häusler, the students, prospective students, the regional economy and the lecturers landed on the first four places. With a view to these target groups, concrete proposals were developed that are to be addressed - certainly in tension with the available resources. Among other things, application-oriented education and the targeted promotion of students within the framework of a "talent shed" were named as profile-forming elements. The 2019 faculty conference at the latest will provide a platform for a broad discussion of the implementation status. 


Prof. Dr. Eveline Häusler

Profile picture Eveline Häusler

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