Prof. Dr. iur. Andreas Rein

Professorship for Social Benefits Law
C1 .234
+49 621/5203-534
+49 621/5203-569
andreas.rein@ 8< SPAM protection, please remove >8
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Teaching areas
- Social law (in particular basic social security and social administration procedures)
- Livelihood security law
Research focus
- Debt counseling
- Consumer insolvency law
- Death and mourning, dementia
Professional career
1994 | Lawyer in Marburg law firm |
1996 | Legal advisor and attorney at the Chamber of Auditors, Düsseldorf |
1999 | Editor and lawyer at the publishing house C. H. Beck, Frankfurt a. M. branch office |
2005-2010 | part-time activity in law firm |
since 2010 | Professorship for the law of social benefits at the University of Applied Sciences Ludwigshafen am Rhein |
- Member of the Senate Committee "Library Committee" (since 2014)
- Member of the "Deutschlandstipendium" Senate Committee since April 2021
- Member of the Wagner Prize jury (since 2018)
- Member of the "IT Committee" Senate Committee
Former positions
- Vice Dean of the Department from March 2013 to February 2019
- Dean of the Department from March 2019 to the beginning of October 2019 (deputy)
- Chairman of the General Examination Board of the Department of Social and Health Care from April 2012 to March 2018
- Member of the Advisory Board of the Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Schuldnerberatung (BAG SB), Berlin, since December 2020 (3rd term of office)
- Member of the editorial advisory board of the Zeitschrift für Verbraucher- und Privatinsolvenzrecht (ZVI), since January 2013
- Member of the case law working group of the Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Schuldnerberatung e. V. (commenting on court decisions for the specialist journal BAG-SB Information) since the end of 2018
- Member (as university lecturer: "permanent guest") of the current account/foreclosure working group of the associations' debtor counseling working group (AG SBV), from mid-2015 to March 2024 (participation in statements of the AG SBV on draft laws, advisory information)
- Member of the project advisory board "Ausbildungsoffensive digitale Schuldnerberatung" of the Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Schuldnerberatung e. V. (January to September 2022)
- Member of the Federal Network for Consumer Research
Monographs/Commentaries/Book contributions
- Co-editor and commentator in the Handkommentar Privatinsolvenz (Henning/Lackmann/Rein), 1st ed. 2020, 2nd ed. 2022, commentary on §§ 1 to 4, 5 to 8, 10 InsO, §§ 51, 52, 54 SGB I, §§ 13, 16, 19a, 240, 294, 299, 567 to 573, 574 to 577, 765a ZPO, Nomos-Verlag
- Commentary on Sections 60 - 62 InsO, in: Nerlich/Römermann (now: Römermann), Commentary on the InsO, loose-leaf, 23rd supplementary edition 2012, 31st supplementary edition 2017, 48th supplementary edition 2024, Verlag C. H. Beck
- Co-author of Praxishandbuch Schuldnerberatung, Groth/Homann/Hornung/Maltry/ Peters/Rein/Richter/Tiffe/Zimmermann/Zipf, loose-leaf, Part 4, Chapter 15 (Debts to the tax office; update no. 31 September 2022) and Chapter 18 (Debts from recourse to social assistance and basic security benefits for jobseekers; update no. 31 September 2022 and update no. 32 September 2023), Wolters Kluwer publishing house
- Co-author of Handbuch Kommunale Sozialpolitik, Brettschneider/Grohs/Jehles, chapter on "Schuldnerberatung als kommunale Aufgabe", printed edition to be published in the first half of 2025, in advance as an online publication (, Springerverlag
- The inspection of insolvency files by authorities, in: Festschrift for Heinz Vallender on his 65th birthday (pp. 471 to 489), 2015, RWS Verlag Kommunikationsforum GmbH
- 2002, the year of insolvencies? Need for action for debtors and creditors, in: Uhlig (ed.), Gläubiger-Strategien bei krisenbehafteten Unternehmen im Vorfeld einer möglichen Insolvenz, 2002, Verlag printul
- Die Verwertbarkeit der Eigentümergrundschuld trotz des Löschungsanspruchs gem. § 1179 a BGB, Diss. 1992, Verlag Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 1994 (published in the series "Untersuchungen über das Spar-, Giro- und Kreditwesen" of the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz)
Essays and decision notes (from 2020; selection for previous years)
- Creditor financing of a right to debtor advice, published in BAG SB-Informationen issue 4/2024 (partial reprint of the article in ZVI 2024, 367)
- Liability of the creditors' committee members pursuant to Section 71 InsO, in: NJW-Spezial 2024, 661
- Free right to debtor advice under Art. 36 (1) of the Consumer Credit Directive?, in: ZVI 2024, 367
- Conversion of a current account into a P-account after the opening of insolvency proceedings, in: NJW-Spezial 2024, 213
- Reimbursement notice during the good conduct period, in: NJW-Spezial 2023, 661
- Interruption of proceedings due to personal insolvency, in: NJW-Spezial 2023, 213
- Does a general right to debtor counseling interfere with the right of local self-government?, in: BAG SB-Informationen Heft 2/2023, 76
- Attachability of one-off cash benefits under social law, in: NJW-Spezial 2022, 661
- Attachment protection account certificate by insolvency administrator?, in: NJW-Spezial 2022, 213
- The "other statutory cash benefits for children" within the meaning of section 902 sentence 1 no. 5 ZPO - Or: Can the legislator change the regulatory content of a provision without realizing it?, in: ZVI 2022, 207 (together with Carsten Homann)
- Necessity of social debtor counseling for integration into work, in: BAG SB-Informationen 2022, Issue 1/2022, p. 10
- New regulations on garnishment protection, in: NJW-Spezial 2021, 661
- Secure insolvency proceedings in times of the corona pandemic, in: NJW-Spezial 2021, 213
- Current challenges for debtor counseling, in: VIA 2021, p. 57
- Limitation of a claim asserted with a final reimbursement notice after four years, in: BAG SB-Informationen issue 2/2021, p. 74
- Rhineland-Palatinate "Social work with people in financially difficult situations" - A study focus in Ludwigshafen, in: BAG SB-Informationen Heft 1/2021, p. 26
- Increase in the garnishment allowance in the case of a social law obligation to assume responsibility in step and patchwork families and non-marital partnerships, in: ZVI Heft 2020, 330 (together with Dieter Zimmermann)
- Inadmissibility of ordering an enforced arrest after the opening of insolvency proceedings (Stuttgart Regional Court, decision of 10. 6. 2020 - 9 Qs 29/20), BAG SB-Informationen issue 3/2020, p. 82
- Liability of a debtor advice center for incorrect advice, in: NJW-Spezial 2020, 213
- No expiry of a compulsory mortgage when residual debt discharge is granted (comment on OLG Koblenz, judgment of 5. 12. 2019 - 1 U 1536/19), in: VIA 2020, 31
- Right of access to files of the debtor's wife in pending proceedings for equalization of gains (comment on BayObLG, decision of 12. 9. 2019 - 1 VA 86/19), in: BAG-SB Information 2020, 10
- NZS Annual Review 2018: Social law in insolvency proceedings, in: NZS 2019, 887
- Enforcement of a substitute custodial sentence after contesting a fine payment, in: VIA 2019, 9
- Offsetting by social benefit providers after discharge of residual debt, in: NJW-Spezial 2018, 661
- NZS Annual Review 2016/2017: Social law in insolvency proceedings, in: NZS 2018, 723
- Case law on social law issues in insolvency proceedings in 2014 and 2015 - Part II, in: NZS 2016, p. 729 (together with Henning Koch)
- Case law on social law issues in insolvency proceedings in 2014 and 2015 - Part I, in: NZS 2016, p. 681 (together with Henning Koch)
- Back payments of social benefits to a garnishment protection account, in: ZVI 2016, p. 50
- The right to a current account - (mis)developments and prospects, in: Widersprüche 2015, p. 83
- The financing of debt counseling - limits and perspectives after the BSG ruling of 13. 7. 2010, in: ZVI 2014, p. 81 (together with Kerstin Herzog)
- Quality costs money - On the financing and legal anchoring of debtor counseling (written version of the presentation at the annual conference of the Federal Working Group on Debtor Counseling on 25. 4. 2013), in: BAG-SB Information 2013, p. 116
- Information by insolvency administrator and insolvency court, in: NJW-Spezial 2012, p. 597
- Access to files by third parties in insolvency proceedings, in: NJW-Spezial 2012, p. 213
- Access to files by creditors in insolvency proceedings, in: NJW-Spezial 2011, p. 661
- The deletion claim of a subordinated land charge creditor in the insolvency of the property owner, in: NJW 2006, p. 3470
- The lawyer on the Internet - admissibility of a guest book, in: NJW 1999, p. 1377
- Research project: Transfer of insolvency advice to local authorities - advantages and disadvantages of delegation in Bavaria as of January 1, 2019, 26-page brochure, published in: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Berlin (also available at Transfer of insolvency advice to local authorities) (together with Caro Berndt)
Further publications on this topic:- The Bavarian model of transferring insolvency advice to the municipalities, in: ZVI 2023, 94<(/li>
- Transfer of insolvency advice to local authorities, in: BAG SB-Informationen Heft 1/2023, 6 (together with Caro Berndt)
- Ludwigshafen study on the transfer of insolvency advice to the municipalities, in: NZI issue 4/2023, VIII
- Ludwigshafener Studie zur Übertragung der Insolvenzberatung auf die Kommunen, in: Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society (ed.), Spektrum Heft 6/2023, 58
- Research project: Electoral behavior of students with regard to over-indebtedness/poverty; ongoing project in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Kerstin Herzog (RheinMain University of Applied Sciences Wiesbaden)
- Research project: Professionalism in debt counselling - analyses of central concepts of professionalism in the field; collaboration on the research project of Prof. Dr. Hans Ebli (details in BAG-SB Information issue 2/2024, p. 66 ff.)
Lectures (selection)
- Lecture "New tasks for debt counseling due to the Consumer Credit Directive and its financing" at the symposium of the Landesarbeitsgemeinschaft Schuldner- und Insolvenzberatung Berlin e. V. on December 4, 2024
- Lecture "The right to debtor counseling, latest political developments" at the 24th annual conference 2024 of the "Landesarbeitsgemeinschaft der öffentlichen und freien Wohlfahrtspflege in Bayern" in Augsburg on November 11, 2024
Online lecture "Using specialist literature in everyday counseling" as an event of the BAG-SB as part of the series "Vereinsvorteile" on September 11, 2023 - Lecture "Transferring insolvency advice to the municipalities - advantages and disadvantages of delegation in Bavaria - report on a research project" at the symposium "Future of debtor and consumer insolvency advice in NRW" (in Schwerte) on September 13, 2023
- Expert discussion "The merging of social debt advice and consumer insolvency advice according to the Bavarian model" on the reform of debt advice in the NRW state parliament on June 20, 2023 (together with Caro Berndt)
Lecture "Social law issues in consumer insolvency proceedings" at the Rhineland-Palatinate Social Courts Judges' Forum (Trier Judicial Academy) on November 4, 2022 - Lecture "The merger of social debt counseling and consumer insolvency counseling according to the Bavarian model - report on a research project" at the conference on debtor and insolvency counseling in Saxony (Dresden) on October 13, 2022
- Lecture "Wege zu einer verlässlichen Finanzierung der Schuldnerberatung" (online lecture) at the digital specialist event of the Forum Schuldnerberatung des Deutschen Vereins e. V. and the working group Schuldnerberatung der Verbände on November 12, 2021
- Online lecture "Current challenges in debt counseling" as part of the interdisciplinary lecture series at the Ludwighafen University of Applied Sciences on September 30, 2021
Web seminar "Current socio-legal aspects in debt counseling" of the German Caritas Association e. V./SKM Bundesverband e. V on May 11, 2021 - Lecture "Wege zu einer auskömmlichen Finanzierung der Schuldnerberatung - Zugleich Werkstattbericht eines Forschungsprojekts" (together with Caro Berndt) at the (online) annual conference of the Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Schuldnerberatung e. V. on May 4, 2021
- Lecture "Current social law issues and case law in consumer insolvency proceedings including the garnishability of short-time work compensation" (online webinar) at the 39th consumer insolvency event of the working group Consumer Insolvency and Residual Debt Discharge of the ARGE Insolvency Law and Restructuring in the German Bar Association on June 18, 2020
- Lecture "Offsetting in SGB II - history and constitutionality" at the joint symposium of the Landesarbeitsgemeinschaft Schuldner- und Insolvenzberatung Berlin e. V. and the working group Schuldnerberatung der Verbände on June 6, 2018 in Berlin
- Lecture "'Whoever orders the music must also pay for it (in full)' - On the financing responsibility for social debt counseling" at the annual conference of the Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Schuldnerberatung e. V. on April 26, 2018 in Kiel
- Lecture on "Offsetting and offsetting in accordance with Sections 51, 52 SGB I in insolvency proceedings" at the 49th Judges' Week of the Federal Social Court on November 14, 2017 in Kassel
- Lecture on "Legal assessment of a right to debtor counseling" (proposal: Section 68a SGB XII) at the symposium "Right to debtor counseling" of the debtor counseling working group of the associations on February 1, 2017 in Berlin
- Lecture "SGB II/SGB XII - Current case law" at the annual conference of the Fachzentrum Schuldenberatung Bremen e. V. on August 21, 2017 in Bad Zwischenahn
- Lecture "Inspection rights in the patient file" as part of the "Große Sozialarbeiterbe-sprechung" at the Central Institute for Mental Health Mannheim (ZI) on June 30, 2014 in Mannheim
- Lecture "Vertretung im Insolvenzverfahren durch geeignete Stellen" at the annual conference of the Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Schuldnerberatung e. V. on May 7, 2014 in Frankfurt a. M.
- Lecture "Quality costs money - On the financing and legal anchoring of debt counseling" at the annual conference of the Bundesgemeinschaft Schuldnerberatung e. V. on April 25, 2013 in Munich
Lectures on the topic of "Men's grief"
- Training day on the topic "Men grieve differently?!" for grief counselors at the Priest and Pastoral Seminary in Speyer on October 7, 2023 in Speyer
- Lecture "Do men really not wine? Clichés and facts about men's grief" at Hospizverein Bergstraße e. V. on November 17, 2022 in Bensheim
- Lecture "Do men really not wine? Clichés and facts about male grief" at Hospiz Elias Ludwigshafen on March 7, 2019 in Ludwigshafen
- Lecture "Do men really not wine? Clichés and facts about men's grief" at Hospizverein Auxilium Wiesbaden e. V. on June 24, 2019 in Wiesbaden
- Lecture "Do men really not wine? Clichés and facts about male grief" at Hospizverein Bergstraße e. V. on March 8, 2018 in Bensheim
Further training
- July 2015 to December 2017: Organization and implementation of a total of 4 practitioner forums (three dates per forum per year) for debt counsellors at the Protestant University of Applied Sciences Darmstadt
- January 2020 to December 2021: Implementation of one practitioner forum (three dates per forum per year) for debt advisors at the RheinMain University of Applied Sciences Wiesbaden