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Prof. Dr. Hans-Ulrich Dallmann

Professorship for Theology and Ethics

Dean of the Department of Social and Health Care (FB IV)

C1 .143
+49 621/5203-531
+49 621/5203-569
hans-ulrich.dallmann@ 8< SPAM protection, please remove >8 hwg-lu.de

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Teaching areas

  • Ethics
  • Social science basics
  • Philosophy of science

Research focus

  • Ethics of helping professions
  • Systems theory approaches
  • Migration

Professional career

1984Studied Protestant Theology at the Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe-University Frankfurt and the Philipps-University Marburg, Degree with the First Theological Examination
1987Doctoral studies at the Ruprecht-Karls-University of Heidelberg and work as a repetent at the Theologische Konvikt at the Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe-University of Frankfurt
1988Doctorate in theology at the Ruprecht Karls University in Heidelberg
1989Vicariate in Frankfurt-Eschersheim and Degree in the second phase of training with the Second Theological Examination of the Protestant Church in Hesse and Nassau
1994Pastor in Frankfurt-Sachsenhausen
1997DFG scholarship for a habilitation project
Since 1997Professorship for Theology and Ethics at the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society
2001Venia Legendi awarded by the Theological Faculty of the Ruprecht-Karls-University in Heidelberg
2008 - 2019Vice President for University Development at the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society
since 2021Dean of the Department of Social and Health Care (FB IV)


  • Since 2004 Member for the EKD in the Board of Trustees of the Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care (IQWIG)
  • Member of the Ethics Working Group of the German Society for Social Work (DGSA)
  • Member of the editorial board of "Ethik und Gesellschaft. Ecumenical Journal for Social Ethics"


  • (1992): Das Kontingenzproblem bei Niklas Luhmann im Blick auf Religion, Kirche und Gemeinde, TFESG, Reihe B, Nr. 14. Heidelberg (FEST).
  • (1994): Die Systemtheorie Niklas Luhmanns und ihre theologische Rezeption, Stuttgart (Kohlhammer)
  • (2002): The right to be different. Eine sozialethische Studie zu Inklusion und Exklusion im Kontext von Migration, Gütersloh (Gütersloher), (Öffentliche Theologie 13).
  • (2013) (together with Fritz Rüdiger Volz): Ethik in der Sozialen Arbeit, Schwalbach im Taunus (Wochenschau Verlag), (Grundlagen Sozialer Arbeit).
  • (2016) (together with Andrea Schiff): Ethical Orientation in Nursing, Frankfurt (Mabuse).
  • (2021) (together with Andrea Schiff): Ethics in nursing care. Munich (Reinhardt - utb).

Articles since 2009 (selection)

  • (2009a): Reactions of nursing to biomedical progress. Die Funktion der Rede von Ganzheitlichkeit für die Positionierung der Pflege, in: Susanne Dungs, Uwe Gerber, Eric Mührel (eds.) - Biotechnologie im Kontext der Sozial- und Gesundheitsberufe. Professional Practices - Disciplinary Neighborhoods - Social Models, Frankfurt et al. (Peter Lang), 233-252.
  • (2009b): Eine tugendethische Annäherung an Begriff und Pädagogik der Kompetenzen, in: Ethik und Gesellschaft 3/2009, H. 1 (http://www.ethik-und-gesellschaft.de/mm/EuG-1-2009_Dallmann.pdf), 51 pages.
  • (2010): On the benefits and disadvantages of Niklas Luhmann's systems theory for social work, in: Wolfgang Krieger (ed.) - Systemische Impulse. Theorieansätze, neue Konzepte und Anwendungsfelder systemischer Sozialer Arbeit, Stuttgart (ibidem), 71-93.
  • (2011): Vom Umgang mit Knappheit: ethische Perspektiven auf die Priorisierung im Gesundheitswesen, in: Ethik und Gesellschaft 5/2011, H. 1 (http://www.ethik-und-gesellschaft.de/mm/EuG-1-2011_Dallmann.pdf), 37 pages.
  • (2012): Care siege. Ethical dilemmas of early detection and early intervention using the example of the adolescent phase of life, in: Sozialmagazin 37/2012, H. 4, 42-54.
  • (2013a): Between Religiousness and Fundamentalism. Funktion und Transformation der Religion im Anschluss an Niklas Luhmann, in: Ansgar Kreutzer, Franz Gruber (eds.) - Im Dialog. Systematic Theology and Sociology of Religion, Freiburg (Herder), 97-124.
  • (2013b): Migration und die Grenzen nationalstaatlicher Souveränität, in: Ethik und Gesellschaft 7/2013, H. 2 (http://www.ethik-und-gesellschaft.de/mm/EuG-2-2013_ Dallmann.pdf), 22 pages.
  • (2015): What inclusion and exclusion have to do with poverty - and what not, in: Ellen Bareis, Thomas Wagner (eds.) - Politik mit der Armut. European social policy and welfare production "from below", Münster (Westfälisches Dampfboot), 98-113.
  • (2016a): Ethik der Gabe, in: Fundraising Akademie (ed.) - Fundraising. Handbuch für Grundlagen, Strategien und Methoden, Wiesbaden (Springer Gabler), 185-203.
  • (2016b) (together with Andrea Schiff): Conditions of good nursing care. Current developments in the academization of nursing and in nursing practice, in: Jahrbuch für Christliche Sozialwissenschaften 57/2016, 171-197. (2017a): Der gesunde Kranke - ethische Perspektiven auf das Krankenhaussystem, in: Renate Stemmer, Ruth Remmel-Faßbender, Martin Schmid, Reinhold Wolke (eds.): Aufgabenverteilung und Versorgungsmanagement im Krankenhaus gestalten - von erfolgreicher Praxis lernen, Heidelberg (Medhochzwei), 93-109.
  • (2017a) (together with Andrea Schiff): I don't know my way around anymore! Ethical orientation and professional identity; in: PADUA 12/2017, H. 1, 7-12.
  • (2017): The limits of morality. Kritik der Kritik von Ethik und Moral - zugleich der Versuch, ein theologisches Theorieelement in die Debatte einzuführen, in: Wolfgang Krieger, Sebastian Sierra Barra (eds.) - Systemisch - kritisch? Zur Kritischen Systemtheorie und zur systemisch-kritischen Praxis der Sozialen Arbeit, Stuttgart (ibidem), 237-256.
  • (2018b): Taking oneself and one's profession seriously - ethics as a process of self-understanding, in: Arnd Götzelmann (ed.) - Zweieinhalb Jubiläen. The Department of Social and Health Care at Ludwigshafen am Rhein University of Applied Sciences and its history since 1948, Norderstedt (Books on Demand), 428-440.
  • (2019): Borders, Fences, Walls, Territories, Nation and the Right to Migrate - a Borderline Syndrome, in: Christine Resch, Thomas Wagner (eds.) - Migration as Social Practice. Struggles for Autonomy and Repressive Experiences, Münster (Westfälisches Dampfboot), 36-55.
  • (2020a) (together with Andrea Schiff): Just a little nudge? Nudging as a strategy for better health. In: Mabuse 45/2020 (No. 248), 35-37.
  • (2020b) (co-author alongside Andreas W. Gold and Clara Römer): University continuing education as a meaningful component of the academization of nursing - A critical plea. In: Nursing & Society 25/2020, 350-357.
  • (2022a) (together with Andrea Schiff): Not able or not willing - Ethical aspects of mobility. In: Bianca Berger, Fabian Graeb, Gundula Essig, Petra Reiber, Reinhold Wolke (eds.): Promotion and maintenance of mobility in the care of older people. Recommendations for practice, Stuttgart (Kohlhammer), 352-365.
  • (2022b): "You don't let people drown. Period." - Public action and public theology in the migration debate. In: Heinrich Bedford-Strohm, Peter Bubmann, Hans-Ulrich Dallmann, Torsten Meireis (eds.): Kritische Öffentliche Theologie. Wolfgang Huber on his 80th birthday, Leipzig (EVA), 217-225.
  • (2023): Deception and lies in ethical perspective. In: Journal for Protestant Ethics 67/2023, 102-117.

Common address of all professors

Ernst-Boehe-Straße 4 - 6
67059 Ludwigshafen

+49 (0) 621/5203-569

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