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Prof. Dr. Jörg Reitzig

Graduate social economist, graduate economist

C1 .233
+49 621/5203-546
+49 621/5203-193
joerg.reitzig@ 8< SPAM protection, please remove >8 hwg-lu.de

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Subject areas

  • Socio-economic foundations of the welfare state and social work
  • Labor and social policy
  • Social philosophy and theories of justice
  • Social work with migrants

Research focus

  • Hegemony and social justice
  • Work and Social Security
  • Socio-economic framework of social work

Professional career

1985Apprenticeship as an industrial clerk in Bremen
1988Commercial employee in Bremen; subsequently unemployed
1989Civilian service with the Social Peace Service in Bremen
1991Studied economics, social sciences and law at the Hamburg University of Economics and Politics (HWP); Degree in economics
1993Studied abroad at the University of Dar-es-Salaam in Tanzania
1995Postgraduate studies in socio-economic degree programs at the Hamburg University of Economics and Politics (HWP); Degree as Dipl. Social Economist
1997Teamer, lecturer and author in extracurricular and in-company adult education
1999Doctoral scholarship from the Hans Böckler Foundation
2003Research assistant at the IMU Institute for Media Research and Urban Studies in Berlin
2004Doctorate in economics and social sciences at the Hamburg University of Economics and Politics (HWP)
2005Freelance author, consultant for economic policy and lecturer in the field of personnel and organizational development
2006Appointment as Professor of Social Economics and Social Policy at the Protestant University of Applied Sciences for Social and Health Care in Ludwigshafen.
Since 2008Professor at the Department of Social and Health Care at the University of Applied Sciences in Ludwigshafen am Rhein.


  • Liaison lecturer at the Hans Böckler Foundation 
  • "Forum New Politics of Labor" e.V.
  • Association for Critical Social Research (AKG).

Publications (selection)

  • Bildungspolitik als Sozialpolitik - Verteilungs- und Machtkonflikte in der Wissensgesellschaft, in: Chehata, Yasmine et al. (ed.): Handbuch Kritische politische Bildung, Frankfurt a.M.: Wochenschau Verlag 2024, pp. 168-175
  • Education.power.distribution - Legitimation problems in the knowledge society, in: Contradictions 170, 43rd vol., December 2023, pp. 125-134
  • Critical measurement of the "turn of an era", in: Z. Zeitschrift Marxistische Erneuerung, No. 129, September 2023, pp. 190-192
  • 10 years of the Schlecker bankruptcy - Of women who made history, in: Express - Zeitung für sozialistische Betriebs- und Gewerkschaftsarbeit, No. 6/2022, 60th vol. p. 7
  • Chaos and theory (on Alex Demirović and others: Understanding chaos), in: Z. Zeitschrift Marxistische Erneuerung, 33rd vol. 129, pp. 246-248
  • Future topics of the Mosaic Left, in: Sozialismus.de, issue 10-2021, pp. 64-65
  • Child poverty and society - socio-political challenges, in: P. Rahn, K. A. Chassé: Handbuch Kinderarmut, Opladen: Verlag Barbara Budrich, pp. 65-73
  • "Macht", commentary on the article of the same title by Werner Goldschmidt (together with Bettina Lösch), in: W. Goldschmidt: Kapital - Macht - Staat, Stichworte zur marxistischen politischen Theorie, ed. by W. D. Hund and L. Lambrecht, Hamburg: VSA-Verlag, pp. 225-231
  • Crisis perspectives for Europe and the challenges of migration - a political economy perspective, in: Ch. Resch, T. Wagner (eds.): Migration als soziale Praxis. Struggles for autonomy and repressive experiences, Münster: Verlag Westfälisches Dampfboot 2019, pp. 18-35
  • For a democratic Europe, in: Gegenblende - Debattenmagazin, April 11, 2019, https://gegenblende.dgb.de/-/CgG
  • Living dialectics, on Richard Sorg: Dialectical thinking, in: Contradictions 150: 200 years of Karl Marx - the old in the new, the new in the old, 38th vol., December 2018, pp. 133-138
  • Corporations, (counter)power and human rights, at BASF and others there is little sign of supply chain responsibility, in: Express - Zeitung für sozialistische Betriebs- und Gewerkschaftsarbeit, No. 10/2018, 56th Vol., p. 7
  • The controversial book - review of Ulrich Brand/ Markus Wissen: Imperiale Lebensweise, in: Politikum, issue 4-2017, p. 86
  • Consequences of the Schlecker bankruptcy for employees, a contribution to the accounting of one of the largest insolvencies, in: Arbeitspapiere der Hochschule Ludwigshafen am Rhein No. 4, February 2017, Ludwigshafen
  • Review of Frank Bsirske et al, Trade unions in the euro crisis, in: WSI-Mitteilungen 2-2017, p. 161
  • Schlecker bankruptcy and the consequences for employees: Taking stock of one of the biggest insolvencies, in: Soziale Sicherheit, Zeitschrift für Arbeit und Soziales, issue 12-2016, pp. 452-455
  • Occasions and results of the Schlecker Employees' Solidarity Fund, A contribution to the assessment of an insolvency and its consequences, project report, Ludwigshafen a. Rhein 2016
  • More justice is only possible with more democracy, in: Gegenblende. Das gewerkschaftliche Debattenmagazin, issue 37, July 2016, http://gegenblende.dgb.de/-/ges
  • Crisis perspectives for Europe (on Étienne Balibar: Europe: Crisis and End?), in: Z. Zeitschrift Marxistische Erneuerung, No. 108, 27th vol., 2016, pp. 225-227
  • Political economy in educational work (on Ralf Krämer, Understanding Capitalism), in: Sozialismus.de, Issue 11-2015, 42nd Vol., pp. 36-37
  • Keyword: Social justice, in: U. Brand, B. Lösch, B. Opratko, S. Thimmel (eds.): ABC der Alternativen 2.0, Von Alltagskultur bis Zivilgesellschaft, Hamburg: VSA-Verlag 2012, pp. 276-277
  • Precarity, social insecurity and isolation - the return of the social question, in: Lösch, Bettina; Thimmel, Andreas (eds.): Kritische politische Bildung. A handbook. Bonn 2011, pp. 289-300, edition by the Federal Agency for Civic Education.
  • Lower limit desperately needed, temporary work, mini-jobs and forced part-time work must come into focus (interview), in: Verdi-Report 4-2011, p. 3
  • Globalization, educational material, published by the Vereinte Dienstleistungsgewerkschaft, updated version, Berlin 2011 (together with Stefanie Gräfe and Sebastian Atmer) 
  • Steuerpolitik und Verteilungsgerechtigkeit, educational material, published by the Vereinte Dienstleistungsgewerkschaft, updated version, Berlin 2011 (together with Sebastian Atmer)
  • Precarity, social insecurity and isolation - the return of the social question, in: Gegenblende. Das gewerkschaftliche Debattenmagazin, 02-March/April, https://gegenblende.dgb.de/-/h3R
  • Freedom, Equality, Solidarity. Contributions to the Dialectics of Democracy, ed. by W. Goldschmidt, B. Lösch, J. Reitzig,  Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, Bern et al: Peter Lang Verlag 2009
  • New Social Contract: Consensus and Conflict, in: Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik, 54. Jg., Heft 5-2009, S. 9-13
  • Hegemony and justice. Notes on the debate about a key social concept, in: W. Goldschmidt, B. Lösch, J. Reitzig (eds.): Freiheit, Gleichheit, Solidarität. Contributions to the Dialectics of Democracy, Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, Bern et al: Peter Lang Verlag 2009, pp. 129-142
  • "A category of nonsense..." - Social justice in the sights of neoliberal theory, in: Ch. Butterwegge, B. Lösch, R. Ptak (eds.): Neoliberalism - Analysis and Alternatives, Wiesbaden: VS-Verlag 2008, pp. 132-146
  • Keyword: Social justice, in: U. Brand, B. Lösch, S. Thimmel (eds.): ABC der Alternativen, Von "Ästhetik des Widerstands" bis "Ziviler Ungehorsam", Hamburg: VSA-Verlag 2007, pp. 214-215
  • Solidarity-based labour policy and the dissolution of boundaries - between industrialization, networking and responsibility, in: D. Scholz, H. Glawe, H. Martens, P. Paust-Lassen, G. Peter, J. Reitzig, F. O. Wolf (eds.): Turnaround? Strategies for a new politics of work - a challenge for trade unions and academia, Münster: Verlag Westfälisches Dampfboot 2006, pp. 200-209
  • Hegemony and Legitimation, Conceptual Work in the Face of Neo-Contractualist Debates on the Future, in: L. Lambrecht, B. Lösch, N. Paech (eds.): Hegemoniale Weltpolitik und Krise des Staates, Series: Philosophie und Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Frankfurt a. M.: Peter Lang 2006, pp. 85-94
  • Wirtschaftspolitik für ein anderes Europa, Vienna, April 4-6, 2006, in: Z. Zeitschrift Marxistische Erneuerung, 17th vol., no. 66, 2006, pp. 179-183
  • Globalization, educational material, published by the Vereinte Dienstleistungsgewerkschaft, Berlin  2006 (together with Stefanie Gräfe)
  • Gesellschaftsvertrag, Gerechtigkeit, Arbeit - Eine hegemonietheoretische Analyse zur Debatte um einen "Neuen Gesellschaftsvertrag" im postfordistischen Kapitalismus, Münster: Verlag Westfälisches Dampfboot 2005
  • Keyword: Offshoring, in: ABC der Globalisierung, edited by the Scientific Advisory Board of Attac, in cooperation with Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung and die tageszeitung, Hamburg: VSA-Verlag 2005, pp. 138-139
  • Review Bettina Lösch, Deliberative Politics. Modern conceptions of the public sphere, democracy and political participation, in: Politische Vierteljahresschrift, Heft 3-2005, pp. 488-490
  • Innovativ wider den Mainstream, Gesellschaftliche Umbrüche und ihre Bedeutung für gewerkschaftliche Innovationen, IMU-Informationsdienst 6/2004, Munich: IMU Institute 2004
  • Between self-organization, deliberation and regulation, theories on the process of social civilization in post-Fordist capitalism, Socioeconomic Text No. 114, Hamburg: HWP 2004
  • Die Furcht vor den Habenichtsen - Zum Verhältnis von Neoliberalismus und Demokratie, in: Das Ende der Bescheidenheit - Aneignung, Dokumentation des 27. Bundeskongress (BUKO) vom 20.-23. Mail in Kassel, o.O., 2004, pp. 128-134
  • Tax policy and distributive justice, educational material, published by the Vereinte Dienstleistungsgewerkschaft, Berlin 2004
  • A new social contract - catching up on justice: What knowledge do we need? In: Soli-aktuell Extra: Students at Work, Spring 2003, published by DGB-Bundesvorstand, Berlin, p. 6
  • Globalization is not just globalization, in: Soli-aktuell Extra: Globalization, Autumn 2003, published by the DGB Federal Executive Committee, Berlin, pp. 4-5
  • Forum Neue Politik der Arbeit - Herbsttagung 2003 (report), in: Z. - Zeitschrift Marxistische Erneuerung, 14. Jg., Nr. 56, December 2003, p. 161-166
  • Clusterhandbuch Brandenburg, study commissioned by the Landesagentur für Struktur und Arbeit (LASA) Brandenburg, Berlin: IMU-Institut/LASA Brandenburg 2003 (together with V. Raenke and G. Richter)
  • Review Michel Aglietta: A New Accumulation Regime. Regulation theory put to the test, in: Das Argument Nr. 237, 42. vol. 4-2000, pp. 598-600
  • Of diversity in the one world. Review of L. Lambrecht, G. Hesselbein (eds.): Märkte - Staaten - Welt der Menschen. How universal is globalization? Hamburg 2000, in: HWP-Magazin 4-2000, p. 7
  • Social pacts and social inequality or: What kind of justice is modern? Notes on the conflict over a 'new social contract', in: Z. Zeitschrift Marxistische Erneuerung No. 40, December 1999, pp. 45-60
  • The future of work in a three-shift model? On the new report to the "Club of Rome" (Orio Giarini, Patrik M. Liedtke):, in: Z. Zeitschrift Marxistische Erneuerung No. 35, Sept. 1998, pp. 248-252
  • Economy and Environment. Series: Materialien zur Bildungsarbeit, published by the Trade, Banking and Insurance Union (hbv), Düsseldorf 1998
  • Vom wohlfahrtsstaatlichen Grundkonsens zum "schlanken Staat" - Die marktradikale Wendung der Gesellschaftsvertragstheorie, in: J. Klages, P. Strutynski (eds.): Kapitalismus am Ende des 20. Jahrhunderts, Hamburg: VSA-Verlag 1997, pp. 54-66 (together with Sebastian Brandl)


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67059 Ludwigshafen

+49 (0) 621/5203-569

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