Prof. Dr. Noëlle Behringer

M.A. Social Work
M.Sc. Clinical Psychology and Empowerment
Child and adolescent psychotherapist (depth psychology-based)
+49 621/5203-224
+49 621/5203-569
noelle.behringer@ 8< SPAM protection, please remove >8
Teaching areas
Theories and casuistry of social work
Methods of social work
(Critical) developmental psychology
Consequences of the institutionalization of social work
Focus on "Social work in the context of psychological crises" (tandem leadership with Prof. Dr. Karen Wagels)
Theories of everyday life and the subject
Main areas of work and research
- Psychoanalytic pedagogy
- Mentalization-based pedagogy (active and sponsored member of the MentEd network:
- Biographical self-reflection and professionalization
- Child and youth welfare
Voluntary activities
- Board member of MentEd - International Network for Social Learning, Relationships and Mentalization e.V.(
- Board member of the German Society for Depth Psychology-based Psychotherapy/Psychodynamic Psychotherapy (DFT) e.V.(
- German Society for Educational Sciences (DGfE)
- Section 8 - Social Pedagogy and Pedagogy of Early Childhood
- Section 13 - Differential Educational Research (Commission for Psychoanalytical Pedagogy & Agora for Psychoanalytical Pedagogy)
- German Society for Social Work (DGSA)
- Frankfurt Working Group for Psychoanalytical Pedagogy (FAPP)
- Frankfurt Working Group on Deep Hermeneutics and Socialization Theory
- Working Group of Psychodynamic Professors (AGPPP)
- MentEd - International Network for Social Learning, Relationships and Mentalization e.V. (board member)
- German Society for Depth Psychology-Based Psychotherapy/Psychodynamic Psychotherapy (DFT) e.V. (board member)
- Association of University Teachers (hlb)
- Rhineland-Palatinate Chamber of Psychotherapists
2015-2020: Scholarship holder of the Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes e.V.
2020-2021: Doctoral graduation scholarship according to the State Graduate Funding Act at the Ludwigsburg University of Education
Professional career
since 2024 | Professor of Social Work in the Context of Mental Health Crises at the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society |
since 2023 | Supervisor at a mother-child day clinic |
since 2019 | Lecturer and speaker at the Humboldt University of Berlin and the Protestant University of Applied Sciences Darmstadt |
2023-2024 | Professor of Social Work at the Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University Villingen-Schwenningen |
2022-2023 | Advanced Researcher at the Intercantonal University for Special Needs Education Zurich |
2021-2022 | Substitute professor in the Childhood Education degree programs at the Protestant University of Applied Sciences Darmstadt |
2019-2021 | Doctorate (Dr. phil.) at the Ludwigsburg University of Education at the Faculty of Special Education on the topic of mentalization in home education |
2019-2021 | Master's degree in Clinical Psychology and Empowerment at the DIPLOMA University of Applied Sciences |
2017-2021 | Child and adolescent psychotherapist in training (depth psychology-based) at the Wiesbaden Academy for Psychotherapy |
2018-2020 | Teamer for module seminars for the German Red Cross in Hesse Volunta gGmbH |
2016-2017 | Social pedagogue in school and extracurricular settings for child and youth welfare |
2016-2017 | Master's degree in Social Work at the Protestant University of Applied Sciences Darmstadt |
2012-2016 | Bachelor's degree in Social Work at the Protestant University of Applied Sciences Darmstadt |
2013-2016 | School participation assistance at a special school |
- Behringer, N. (2021). Mentalizing in home education. A qualitative study on reflexive processes among pedagogical professionals. Springer VS [doctoral thesis].
- Link, P.-C., Behringer, N., Turner, A., Kreuzer, T., Schwarzer, N.H. (in preparation). Mentalization-based inclusion and special education in schools. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. Publication planned for 09/2024.
- Kreuzer, T., Langnickel, R., Behringer, N., Link, P.C. (in prep.). Childlike play. Anthology of the fall conference of the Commission "Psychoanalytic Pedagogy" of the DGfE at the Ludwigsburg University of Education in cooperation with Movetia MentEd 2023. Barbara Budrich. Publication planned for 07/2024.
- Schwarzer, N.-H., Behringer, N., Link, P.C., Turner, A. (in collaboration). Thematic issue: Attachment and mentalizing as aspects of effective pedagogical action and relationship competence. Guest issue of the thematic issue of Empirical Pedagogy (with peer-review process). Publication planned for 09/2024.
- Niederöst, M., Röösli, P., Hövel, D., Behringer, N., Hennes, A.-K., Philippek, J., Schabmann, A., Schmidt, B. (2024). Predestination of special educational assessment? An empirical study of expert reports in the field of emotional and social development. ESE. Emotional and Social Development in Educational Support Pedagogy and Behavioral Disorders. Issue 6: In den Fokus ver-rückt - Hidden Topics im FSP ESE. Published by Julius Klinkhardt, 34-55.
- Schwarzer, N.-H., Behringer, N., Beyer, A., Gingelmaier, S., Henter, M., Müller, L.-M., Link, P.-C. (2023). Scope of a mentalization-based pedagogy in the focus of support for emotional and social development - a narrative review. ESE. Emotional and Social Development in Educational Support Pedagogy and Behavioral Disorders. Issue 5: Scope of a pedagogy of socio-emotional developmental support. Published by Julius Klinkhardt, 90-102.
- Langnickel, R., Behringer, N., Link, P.-C. (2023). Logics of systems that have exploded and are exploding: On the necessity of differentiating between active and passive "system blasters:inside". Society - Individual - Socialization. Journal for Socialization Research, 4(1).
- Kreuzer, T., Erne, J.,Behringer, N. & Turner, A., Brauner, F., Gingelmaier, S., Müller, L., Nolte, T., Schwarzer, N.-H., Beyer, A., Kirsch, H. (2023). Mentalizing as a psychosocial inoculation in child and adolescent psychotherapy. Praxis der Kinderpsychologie und Kinderpsychiatrie. 72/1, 14-22.
- Behringer, N. (2022). Mentalizing in work with child protection cases - Highlights on theory, empiricism and practice. Journal of Individual Psychology, 47, 333-346.
- Behringer, N. (2022). "And what does that feel like? It feels like nothing at all. Like a deep, empty, endless nothingness." - A psychodynamic interpretation of "13 reasons why" and implications for adolescent psychotherapy. Practice of Child Psychology and Child Psychiatry, 71, 39-54.
- Behringer, N. & Gauler, N. (2021). "This has nothing to do with religion!" On the helpful and challenging aspects of mentalization-based work with culturally related identity insecurities in adolescent psychotherapy. Child and adolescent psychotherapy. Journal of Psychoanalysis and Depth Psychology, 4, 531-550.
- Von Schlippe, A., Omer. H., Behringer, N. (2024). New authority - response to an invitation to reflection. A response to the article by Noëlle Behringer, ESE 5/2023. ESE. Emotional and Social Development in Educational Support Pedagogy and Behavioral Disorders. Issue 6: Into focus - Hidden topics in the FSP ESE. Published by Julius Klinkhardt, 164-181.
- Behringer, N. (2023). New authority - power and shaming under the guise of presence, perseverance and resistance? A psychoanalytic-pedagogical invitation to reflection. ESE. Emotional and Social Development in the Pedagogy of Educational Support and Behavioral Disorders. Issue 5: Scope of a pedagogy of socio-emotional developmental support. Publisher Julius Klinkhardt, 198-211.
- Behringer, N., Turner, A., Beyer, A., Brauner, F., Gingelmaier, S., Kirsch, H., Kreuzer, T., Müller, L.-M., Nolte, T., Schwarzer, N.-H. (2023). Mentalizing as psychosocial inoculation - a contribution to professionalization in pedagogical fields. Our youth (Ernst Reinhardt Verlag), 2-12.
- Link, P.-C., Schwarzer, N.-H., Kirsch, H., Nolte, T., Behringer, N., Kreuzer, T. F., Turner, A., Wininger, M., Henter, M., Fonagy, P., Hutsebaut, J., Gingelmaier, S. (2022). Adaptation of mentalization-based curative and special education in the Swiss education system at tertiary level. Swiss Journal of Special Needs Education (SZH), vol. 28, 11/2022, 63.
- Link, P.-C., Schwarzer, N.H., Kirsch, H., Fonagy, P., Behringer, N., Kreuzer, T., Turner, A., Wininger, M., Henter, M., Hutsebaut, J., Gingelmaier, S. (2022). Bringing Mentalization-based Education to Switzerland ( Quarterly Journal of Curative Education and its Neighbouring Fields (VHN), 4.2022, 336-338.
- Behringer, N. (2021). Understanding each other with and through each other. Opportunities and limits of psychoanalytic-pedagogical home education. Dialog Erziehungshilfe, 1, 15-20.
- Behringer, N., Gingelmaier, S., Kirsch, H. (2021). Mentalizing in home education - Results of a qualitative study on reflexive processes among educational professionals. Protestant youth welfare, 2, 160-167.
- Behringer, N., Gingelmaier, S., Kirsch, H. (2021). Reflections on the promotion of a mentalizing attitude in home education: "And perhaps his behaviour should radiate that I should not probe deeper in conversation - as a strategy to block his trauma internally". Focus on Youth Welfare, 2, 15-21.
- Behringer, N., Kirsch, H., Gingelmaier, S. (2021). What does the mentalization concept do for home education? Focus on youth welfare, 2, 3-8.
- Behringer, N., Weishaupt, J., Gingelmaier, S. (2021). Promoting mentalization? Yes! But how? With mindfulness and improvisational theater. A collection of concrete exercises. Focus on youth welfare, 2, 22-30.
- Behringer, N. (ed.). Biography work. In R. Markowetz, T. Hennemann, D. Hövel & G. Casale (Eds.), Handbuch Förderschwerpunkt emotional-soziale Entwicklung. Beltz Juventa.
- Holger, K., Behringer, N., Henter, M., Hutsebaut, J., Link, P.C., Kreuzer, T., Nolter, T., Turner, A., Schwarzer, N.H., Gingelmaier, S. (n.d.). Can mentalizing be taught? On education and training in mentalization-based pedagogy. In P.C. Link, N. Behringer, A. Turner, T. Kreuzer, N.H. Schwarzer, N.H. (Eds.), Mentalization-based inclusion and special education in the educational space of schools. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
- Hövel, D., Behringer, N., P.-C. (2024). Classification systems and their significance for pedagogy. In D. Hövel, C. Schellenberg, P.-C. Link, O. Gasser-Gaas (Eds.). Socio-emotional learning. Pedagogy of socio-emotional developmental support (pp. 161-171). Edition SZH/CSPS.
- Behringer, N., Langnickel, R., Link, P.-C. (2023). (Professional) biographical self-reflection as a transformational educational process in the academic training of pedagogical professionals. In J. Studer, E. Abplanalp, S. Sotoudeh (Eds.), Promoting personal development in higher education. Volume 2: Understanding and accompanying reflection processes (pp. 31-48). Hep-Verlag.
- Behringer, N., Langnickel, R., Link, P.-C. (2023). "I idealized my parents. And I practically lifted them off their thrones" - Biographical self-reflection as an initial spark for individual professionalization. Selected results of a qualitative-empirical pilot study. In D. Zimmermann, L. Dietrich, J. Hofman & J. Hokema (Eds.), Social crises and their effects on families, pedagogical professionalism and organizations (Series of publications of the DGfE Commission on Psychoanalytic Pedagogy) (pp. 143-160). Barbara Budrich Publishers.
- Kirsch, H., Behringer, N. (2023). Academization of psychotherapy training in Germany. In A. Drossos, W. Datler, E. Gornik & C. Korunka (Ed.), Academization of psychotherapy. Historical approaches and current developments (pp. 49-66). Facultas.
- Link, P.-C., Behringer, N., Maier, L., Gingelmaier, S., Kirsch, H., Nolte, T., Turner, A., Müller, X., Schwarzer, N.H. (2023). "Those who mentalize understand others better" - Mentalizing as a development-oriented professionalization strategy. In W. Burk & C. Stalder (Eds.), Development-oriented education in practice (pp. 49-66). Beltz Juventa.
- Behringer, N. (2023). Epistemic trust in residential child and youth care. In P. Fonagy & T. Nolte (Eds.), Epistemic trust. From concept to application in psychotherapy and psychosocial counseling (pp. 390-409). Klett-Cotta.
- Behringer, N., Koch, E. J. (2021). (Self-) Encouragement through mentalizing - an application-oriented guide (for students). In T. F. Kreuzer & S. Albers (Eds.), Self-reflection (Transfer, Vol. 21) (pp. 47-66). Schneider Hohengehren.
- Behringer, N., Weichel, L. (2020). "When the iceberg starts to shake" - Mentalization support in the learning support context. In S. Gingelmaier & H. Kirsch (Eds.), Praxisbuch mentalisierungsbasierte Pädagogik (pp. 150-161). Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
- Behringer, N. (2020). Mentalization processes in the context of inpatient child and youth welfare. Theoretical framing and reflective considerations on exemplary everyday situations. In S. Gingelmaier & H. Kirsch (Ed.), Practice book mentalization-based pedagogy (pp. 191-203). Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
- Koch, E. J., Behringer, N. (2020). Formation of affects - Points of contact and divergences between psychoanalytic and mentalization-based pedagogy. In B. Rauh, N. Welter & M. Franzmann (Eds.), Emotion - Disciplining - Professionalization. Pädagogik im Spannungsfeld von Integration der Emotionen und 'neuen' Disziplinierungstechniken (Publication series of the DGfE Commission on Psychoanalytic Pedagogy, pp. 273-284). Barbara Budrich Verlag.
- Behringer, N. (2023). Review of Matthias Euteneuer, Anke Kerschgens: New beginnings after separations. Design and development paths for families. Stuttgart: Verlag W. Kohlhammer 2023. Available at:
- Behringer, N. (2023). Psychoanalytic pedagogy in inpatient child and youth welfare. Encyclopedia of educational science online. Subject area psychoanalytic pedagogy.
- Behringer, N., Langnickel, R., Link, P.-C. (2022). Psychoanalytic pedagogy - an approach. The daycare center handbook [online]. Available at:
- Behringer, N. (2021). Review of Robert Langnickel: Prolegomena to the pedagogy of the split subject. A necessary RISS in special education. Opladen et al: Barbara Budrich. Practice of Child Psychology and Child Psychiatry, 8, 761-763.
- Gingelmaier, S., Schwarzer, N., Link, P.C., Nolte, T., Turner A., Behringer, N., Kirsch, H. (2023). A new mentalization-based curriculum to support teachers and those working in educational settings. Conference: IX World Conference on Violence in School & VIII Congresso Estatal de Convivencia Escolar, Universidad de Sevilla. 04.10.2023, Universidad de Sevilla.
- Link, P.-C., Behringer, N., Neuhauser, A., Bolz, T., Hövel, D. (2023). Symposium Relationship works. Attitude - Intervention - Professionalization in the Context of Attachment and Mentalization. Contribution "Mentalization - an interdisciplinary bridging concept as an educational and professionalization strategy". 3rd Innsbruck Conference on Elementary Education. Interaction - Relationship - Attachment. 22.09.2023, University of Innsbruck.
- Behringer, N. (2023). Inpatient child and youth welfare and psychoanalytic pedagogy. Lecture as part of the lecture series "Vorträge im Jubiläumsjahr - 40 Jahre FAPP: Psychoanalytische Pädagogik im Dialog von Theorie und Praxis" at the Frankfurter Arbeitskreis für Psychoanalytische Pädagogik eV (FAPP e.V.) on 31.03.2023, Frankfurt am Main.
- Behringer, N. (2022). Biographical work with students as support for the individual professionalization process. Current project status of the internally funded research project. Presentation at the Research Day of the Protestant University of Applied Sciences Darmstadt, Germany. 04.10.2022.
- Behringer, N., Langnickel, R., & Link, P.-C. (2022). Reflective pedagogical professionalization between praxeology and professional biography. Lecture at the autumn conference of the Commission "Psychoanalytic Pedagogy" in the DGfE in cooperation with the Humboldt University of Berlin and the International Psychoanalytic University entitled "Social crises and their effects on families, pedagogical professionalism and organizations", Berlin, Germany. 23.-24.09.2022.
- Behringer, N. (2022). Psychodynamic perspectives on the New Authority. Or on the question: What form of presence and reflection does a pedagogy of socio-emotional developmental support need? Presentation at the 14th Conference of Lecturers in Emotional and Social Development at the Zurich University of Applied Sciences for Special Needs Education, 29.06.-01.07.2022.
- Link, P.-C., Gingelmaier, S., Dlugosch, A., Henter, M., Schwarzer, N.-H., Behringer, N., (2022). How far does a mentalization-based pedagogy in socio-emotional development go? Round Table at the 14th Conference of Lecturers in Emotional and Social Development at the Zurich School of Special Needs Education, 29.06.-01.07.2022.
- Behringer, N. (2022). Psychodynamic perspectives on child endangerment and child protection. Lecture as part of the seminar series "Psychoanalytische Pädagogik und ihre Bezüge" at the Ludwigsburg University of Education, 01.06.2022.
- Behringer, N. (2022). Qualitative content analysis according to Mayring and data evaluation with MAXQDA. Workshop at the Zurich University of Applied Sciences for Special Needs Education. 10.05.2022.
- Behringer, N. (2022). Between highs and lows - On the course of the completed doctoral project "Mentalizing in home education" at the Ludwigsburg University of Education. Presentation at the doctoral colloquium at the Protestant University of Applied Sciences Darmstadt, 25.04.2022.
- Behringer, N. (2022). Mentalization-focused case discussions in theory and practice. Workshop as part of the advanced course Train the Trainer in the model curriculum "Mentalization Training for Educational Professionals" (Erasmus+ project CurrMentEd: Curriculum Mentalization Training for Educational Professionals, project number: 2019-1-DE01-KA203-004967), University of Klagenfurt, 11.04.2022.
- Behringer, N. (2021). Workshop on "Mentalization-based pedagogy in child and youth welfare". House Fichtenhalde, 09.09.2021.
- Behringer, N. (2021). Understanding borderline experiences - Psychodynamic perspectives on child endangerment. Lecture at the symposium "Das offene Fenster der Verwundbarkeit. Child protection and children's rights" at the Protestant University of Applied Sciences Darmstadt, 03.09.2021.
- Behringer, N. (2021). Mentalization-based pedagogy: Thematic introduction and implications for the practice of child and youth welfare. Lecture at the delegates' meeting of the VPK-Bundesverband e.V., 14.06.2021.
- Behringer, N. (2020). Psychotherapeutic and pedagogical interventions and their principles, practice and techniques. Lecture and workshop at the Innerschweizer Früherzieherinnenkonferenz (IFEK) in Lucerne on the topic of mentalizing, 04.03.2020.
- Behringer, N. & Koch, E. J. (2019). Psychoanalytic pedagogy and mentalization-based pedagogy: Points of contact and divergences. Forum as part of the cooperation conference of the DGfE Commission on Psychoanalytic Pedagogy with the Erasmus+ project pro-inklusiv-reflexiv on the topic of "Pedagogical professionalization in the field of tension between the integration of emotions and 'new' disciplinary techniques" in Kiel, 05.10.2019.
- Behringer, N. (2019). Mentalization in home education - a qualitative study of reflexive processes among professionals. Presentation of the dissertation project at the network meeting of the DFG network "Ment-Ed - Mentalization-based Pedagogy" in Vienna, 21.02.2019.
- Behringer, N. (2017). Psychoanalytical-pedagogical home education and mentalization - a mentalization-promoting project for social pedagogues. Presentation of the master's thesis at the network meeting of the DFG network "MentEd - Mentalization-based Pedagogy" at the Protestant University of Applied Sciences Darmstadt, 23.02.2017.