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Alumna Olga Gotsulyak, employee of the renowned Mannheim Business School

In the winter semester of 2015, Olga Gotsulyak began her studies in International Management Eastern Europe at the University of Applied Sciences in Ludwigshafen. During her studies, she volunteered for the university's General Student Committee (AStA), where she headed the Public Relations department. After successfully completing her studies, Olga Gotsulyak joined the Admissions department at the renowned Mannheim Business School at the beginning of February 2019. 

You completed your studies at the university in the standard period of study and were enthusiastically involved in the AStA. Do you have fond memories of your time studying in Ludwigshafen?

Olga Gotsulyak: I have very fond memories of that time. After graduating from high school, I consciously chose  a university education in a more familiar environment, as I expected to have much more contact with professors and exchange with them and my fellow students. In the end, Ludwigshafen University met my expectations. The small group of students, the interactive lectures with the lecturers, but also the exciting combination of business administration and the Russian language made my time as a student a very exciting and educational time.

And your time in the AStA?

Volunteering has been an important part of my life since my school days. In my first year at university, I initially wanted to concentrate one hundred percent on my student life. At some point, however, I realized that this part of my life was missing again. As head of the PR department, I was able to make my contribution to society, which is something I remember very fondly.

What made you decide to study at the university in Ludwigshafen back then?

When choosing my college or university, it was very important to me to study in a small group and not to sit in a lecture hall with several hundred students, as is the case at a traditional university. The fact that a class size of about 25 students was promised in my course of study fulfilled my expectations.

Why did you choose to study business administration with a focus on Eastern Europe?

I was very interested in business topics, even though I had little connection to them in my school days. Since languages were very easy for me at school, I didn't want to drop this interest. In addition, I am a native Russian speaker, but I always wanted to master more than just everyday vocabulary, and I also really wanted to learn the Russian script. When I found out about this degree program, I thought it was made for me.

Were your expectations met?

After I graduated, I was more than satisfied with my time studying. Sometimes I would have liked to have gone more in depth in some topics. However, I think it is not always so easy to make this possible in a generalist course of study such as the one I studied.

You now work in Admissions at the renowned Mannheim Business School. What tasks do you perform there?

At Mannheim Business School, I am mainly responsible for two core tasks: Marketing certain master's programs and recruiting students. Throughout the year, I organize information events, participate in trade fairs, conduct counseling interviews, maintain close contact with companies and organizations, and coordinate the application and selection process.

What skills from your studies do you particularly benefit from?

Since I spent a lot of time in my studies combining business topics with intercultural management and the Russian language, this helps me a lot in my job to see the big picture from several angles.

Do you also benefit from your time as head of the AStA department?

Absolutely. Working in a team and independently advancing important issues with colleagues and the Executive Board taught me a lot during my time as a student, especially when it comes to teamwork and internal communication. As far as my leadership skills are concerned, I was also able to learn a lot ;-)

Have you been back to your "old university" since graduating?

Unfortunately not. There was an exciting lecture that I really wanted to listen to, but unfortunately I didn't have the time. I look forward to the next invitation to an exciting lecture!

And what topics would be of particular interest to you here?

I am generally interested in lectures that have a practical focus, preferably also in exchange with company representatives. From a technical point of view, I am particularly interested in HR topics.

Thank you very much for the interview!

Interview: Elena Wassmann

Alumna Olga Gotsulyak
Alumna Olga Gotsulyak (Image: Mannheim Business School)

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