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HWG LU takes a stand: Science needs diversity, liberal democracy and the rule of law

As a regionally anchored and nationally and internationally oriented educational and scientific institution, HWG LU stands for mutual respect and appreciation, lively diversity and equal opportunities as well as a focus on dialog and openness. These and other values are also anchored in our university's mission statement , which was developed and adopted by the university committees more than ten years ago and has shaped both our self-image and the further development of our university ever since.

#Zusammenland - Vielfalt macht uns stark
With this value-based basic understanding, it was no question for HWG LU to join the campaign #Zusammenland - Diversity makes us strong campaign. Together with over 350 scientific institutions, we would like to take this opportunity to show our attitude and reaffirm the values set out in our mission statement.

The HWG LU would like to thank the initiators of the #Zusammenland campaign - ZEIT, Süddeutsche Zeitung, Handelsblatt, WirtschaftsWoche, Tagesspiegel and their media partner Ströer - who have managed to bring together the diverse voices of the scientific community throughout Germany and make them visible within a very short space of time, thus sending out an impressive signal against right-wing extremism and in favor of freedom, democracy, diversity and a welcoming culture. We are proud and happy to be a part of this.

Science needs liberal democracy and the rule of law
As a Rhineland-Palatinate university, we would also like to take this opportunity to expressly reiterate our support for the statement by the German Rectors' Conference (HRK) and the Rhineland-Palatinate State University Presidents' Conference "Science needs liberal democracy and the rule of law". As part of society, we take responsibility and stand up for a society that is committed to democracy, social justice and the values of the Basic Law. We see human rights as valid for all people and reject all forms of discrimination, anti-Semitism and racism.

Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society
University management

signed. Prof. Dr. Gunther Piller, Prof. Dr. Nina Knape, Prof. Dr. Edith Rüger Muck, Carolin Nöhrbaß

Banner campaign #Zusammenland
Excerpt from the ZEIT campaign #Zusammenland with HWG LU logo
In good company: As one of over 350 scientific institutions, the HWG LU supports the #Zusammenland campaign.
Newspaper page from the ZEIT with logos of the universities participating in the #Zusammenland campaign
Because the response was so overwhelming, ZEIT split the print of the universities involved in the #Zusammenland campaign into two issues: The HWG logo appeared in Part 1 (issue of 29.02.2024).


Dr. Elena Wassmann

Profile picture Elena Wassmann


Ernst-Boehe-Straße 4
67059 Ludwigshafen

B 209+49 621 5203-253+49 1522 1515444

Britta Käufer

Profile picture Britta Buyer


Ernst-Boehe-Straße 4
67059 Ludwigshafen

B 210+49 621 5203-249+49 173 2770629

Dr. Katharina Klüver-Beck

Profile picture Katharina Klüver-Beck


Ernst-Boehe-Straße 4
67059 Ludwigshafen

B 208+49 621 5203-385+49 152 24431769

Julia Scholz


Ernst-Boehe-Str. 4
67059 Ludwigshafen

B 209+49 621 5203-346+49 1522 3857192

Nils Sitar

Ernst-Boehe-Str. 4
67059 Ludwigshafen

C 1.125+49 621 5203 345+49 1523 4661 319