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Health insurance

All students in Germany are required to have a health insurance policy. You will not be enrolled at the university without providing proof of your valid health insurance coverage which covers the whole semester. Please check before your departure to Germany which services are included in your health insurance or look for an additional insurance. Travel insurances are not acceptable for university enrollment!


If you are an EU citizen, you probably have the EHIC (European Health Insurance Card). By presenting this card, you will be exempted from the necessary German health insurance coverage.


There are two options:

  • You take out a public German health insurancepolicy, for example through TKAOKBarmer or DAK.
    It costs around 140 EUR per month.


  • Issue a private health insurance in your home country (not a travel insurance!). Please note that your insurance must certify you unlimited health coverage for your whole stay in Germany.
    If your private health insurance company doesn´t sign this criteria,  you HAVE to take a German one.

In order to check if the private health insurance is acceptable for university enrollment, you need to send a copy of the health insurance policiy to a German statutory health insurance provider (e.g. TK, AOK, Barmer or DAK). They then will have to  check if you can be exempted from statutory insurance.

If the German statutory health insurance accepts the private insurance and you can be exempted from statutory insurance, the German statutory health insurance will need to send an electronic confirmation (so-called ‘Meldung 10’) to our university. Without this confirmation ‘M10’ can you NOT be enrolled!

In general, please note that if you are privately insured, you always have to pay the medical bills in advance and then wait for the reimbursement of your insurance company. Please be aware that hospitalization can be extremely expensive!

If you are from Turkey, you can bring an A/T-11 form (TÜRK-ALMAN SOSYAL GÜVENLIK SÖZLESMESI) for health insurance.

If you are from Tunesia, you can bring an A/TN-11 form for health insurance.

If you are from Bosnia Herzegovina, you can bring a BH 6 form for health insurance.