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IHRM - Practice and Research


The Master's degree program has an application-oriented, scientific profile. This means that it is both practice-oriented and (sufficiently) research-based. The vast majority of graduates will enter professional practice after completing their studies and use scientific methods to solve practical, operational problems. methods to solve practical, operational problems. Students have been graduating from this degree program since 2007 and have since achieved prominent management and specialist positions in business and other social organizations. They often pursue careers in HR, organization or consulting, but a good proportion of them progress to broader commercial management positions.

A small proportion of graduates want to gain further academic qualifications and begin a doctorate, either as an internal student at a university entitled to award doctorates or in the form of a cooperative doctorate between a university and HWG Ludwigshafen.

The academic degree M.Sc. of the IHRM degree programs allows access to doctoral studies under the same conditions as the former university diploma, to which the M.Sc. is legally equivalent, regardless of whether it was obtained at a traditional university or a University of Applied Sciences (HAW) such as the HWG Ludwigshafen.

The Human Resource Management department cooperates on several levels: on the practical side, smaller and larger projects are carried out with companies and other organizations. The focus here is on knowledge and technology transfer. This can take the form of a six-month Master's thesis in a company, for example. But there are also opportunities for smaller joint projects, studies, consultancy projects, workshops or project seminars.

In the area of science and research, the professors and lecturers work together with the HR-relevant institutes/research focuses of their own university, domestic and foreign colleges and universities, non-university research institutes and companies. The focus is on applied research, i.e. the search for new knowledge for existing, practical problems. In addition, the development of new or significantly improved HR business processes, i.e. the implementation and transfer of knowledge, is of great importance.

For further information, please contact the program director or the program management. Head of degree programs or the degree program management.


Graduate study on the IHRM Master

Career entry and career paths

A long-term graduate study ("AI Study 2019") has been conducted for the first time for the consecutive Master's degree course in International Human Resources Management (IHRM). As part of her final thesis, Ina Hönig B.A. worked with the Human Resources Management department to investigate how career entry and further professional development progressed. The objects of investigation included retrospective satisfaction with the degree programs and the relevance of individual elements for professional development.

The survey  in spring 2019 was aimed at all previous graduates of the degree programs. From the first cohort in 2007, who started their first job in 2009, to the beginning of 2019, around 150 students achieved the academic degree of Master of Arts.

Feedback on the Master's degree program in IHRM is extremely positive, as  the results of the graduate survey show, and indicates a high level of satisfaction with the IHRM degree program among graduates.

The transition to their first job after graduation was successful. According to the results, further professional development offers sustainable opportunities for a management career or specialist career in classic HR management fields with an international focus, mostly in large corporations.

An excerpt from this study with important results has now been published and is available here . 

Prof. Dr. Thomas Martin - Course Director Master IHRM

"In the future, careers in human resources management will require the competence to think internationally and to speak the "language of management," i.e., to act in money terms."

B 218 B-Building

49 (0) 621/5203-138

thomas.martin@ 8< SPAM protection, please remove >8 hwg-lu.de


Regina Hamacher - Managing Director of the study programs

Bachelor International Human Resources Management and Organization IPO, and Master Internation Human Resources Management IHRM

 B204 B-Building

+49 (0) 621/5203-225

regina.hamacher@ 8< SPAM protection, please remove >8 hwg-lu.de