Admission requirements
Admission to the program is open to those who
a) has a degree in the Bachelor's degree program Health Economics in Practice at the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society with 210 ECTS and a grade of 2.5 or better
b) has obtained a Bachelor's degree with 210 ECTS in another suitable degree program with a final grade of 2.5 or better. With the university degree, proof must be provided of examination achievements in the following areas to the extent specified:
- 10 ECTS from the field of statistics, health economic evaluation or methods of empirical social research
- 5 ECTS from the field of public health/medicine or proof of completed vocational training in a healthcare profession
- 5 ECTS from the area of Fundamentals of the German healthcare system and Social Code V
- 5 ECTS from the field of information systems
- 10 ECTS from the area of Management and Controlling
If you cannot provide full proof of the required examinations or if you have a Bachelor's degree with fewer than 210 ECTS, you can make up the missing credits.
If the required minimum grade of 2.5 was not achieved in the first degree course, it is possible to take an aptitude test and gain admission to the Master's degree course via this route - provided the minimum content requirements of the Bachelor's degree course are met.
As some of the courses are held in English, English language skills at level B2 are recommended.
If you have not yet completed your studies, only a maximum of 30 ECTS may still be open at the application deadline. Further information can be foundat here.
Special feature of dual studies
A further admisson requirements for admission to the dual study program is a qualification contract between the applicant and the cooperating company for the duration of the standard period of study. The contract must be submitted to the university no later than six weeks after the start of lectures.
Student advisory service
Before starting the Master's degree program, you should take advantage of a study consultation, especially if you have not previously completed the Health Economics degree program in the GiP practice network at the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society. The course of study, e.g. the preliminary semester to be completed, will also be discussed during the consultation.
Advice can be obtained by telephone, in person or via Zoom from the Program Manager, Ms. Christine Preis.
Application deadlines
| Application deadline |
Winter semester | July 31 of the current year |
Summer semester | February 01 of the current year |