Flight, Migration and Racism - Practice Research
Contents of research practice and research interests: Migration and social work, migration ethics, critical migration research, migration and work, immigration-related transformation processes of social work, racism research, social work and extreme rights, urban conflicts, flight as social practice.
Research projects:
- New neighbors. Current refugee situation and housing construction in the Ludwigshafen district of Edigheim (completed) "further information " - Dr. Christine Resch
- Situation and resource analysis on right-wing extremism and civil society in the Saale-Holzland district (completed)* " further information " - Maria Diedrich (collaboration)
- Racism and health (ongoing) - Prof. Dr. Regina Brunnett
- Fields of tension in social work in the migration regime (ongoing) - Prof. Dr. Jörg Reitzig
* This project was carried out by the named contact person at another institution.