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Prof. Dr. Regina Brunnett

Teaching areas

Health sciences, et al.

  • Health and work in nursing
  • Cross-cultural health care
  • Health inequalities


  • Qualitative methods of empirical social research

Research areas

  • Discourses and Health
  • Participatory Health Research
  • Health in the context of social conditions
  • Racism and Health


  • Member of the Faculty Council (since 2014)
  • Member of the University Senate (since 2018)
  • Representative of the Department on the University's Equal Opportunities Committee (since 2018)
  • Representative of the Department on the University's Diversity Committee (since 2018)
  • Representative for the development of a Master's degree program (since 2015)
  • Liaison lecturer of the Hans Böckler Foundation (since 2016)


  • German Society for Social Medicine and Prevention e.V.
  • German Society for Medical Sociology
  • Partnet, Network for Participatory Health Research
  • Network for Gender and Sexual Diversity in Health Care and Research
  • Hans Böckler Foundation

Publications (selection)

  • Brunnett, Regina: Health and Social Exclusion (forthcoming).
  • Brunnett, Regina (2017): How concepts of stress and burnout can change the relationship to work, in Anhorn, Roland; Schimpf, Elke; Stehr, Johannes; Rathgeb, Kerstin; Spindler, Susanne; Keim, Rolf (eds.):  Politik der Verhältnisse - Politik des Verhaltens - Widersprüche der Gestaltung Sozialer Arbeit, Wiesbaden: Springer VS, pp. 333-343.
  • Brunnett, Regina (2016): Rassismus und Gesundheit, in: Jahrbuch für Kritische Medizin und Gesundheitswissenschaften, vol. 51, Hamburg: Argument, pp. 54-69.
  • Brunnett, Regina (2016): Health as Capital. On the productivity of symbolic health in flexible capitalism, in Anhorn, Roland; Balzereit, Marcus (eds.): Handbuch Therapeutisierung und Soziale Arbeit, Wiesbaden: Springer VS, pp. 207-223.
  • Brunnett, Regina (2013): Burnout and social adaptation. Stress, work and self in flexible capitalism, in: Dellwing, Michael; Harbusch, Martin (eds.): Krankheitskonstruktionen und Krankheitstreiberei - Die Renaissance der soziologischen Psychiatriekritik, Frankfurt/Main: Springer, pp. 161-175.
  • Brunnett, Regina, Hasseler, Martina; Strupeit, Steve; Deneke, Christiane (2009): Mobility as a multidimensional concept. Basis for 'health promoting mobility', in: Hasseler, Martina et al. (eds.): Gerontological Care Research, Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, pp. 72-84.
  • Deneke, Christiane; Brunnett, Regina (2010): Diversity as a Challenge. Needs, starting points and perspectives for a difference-oriented health promotion among older people, in: Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung (ed.): Gesundheit im Alter fördern - Eine Zukunftsaufgabe der Kommunen, Berlin, pp. 36-39.
  • Brunnett, Regina (2009): The Hegemony of Symbolic Health. A study on the added value of health in postfordism, Bielefeld: transcript.
  • Brunnett, Regina (2007): Foucault's contribution to the analysis of the new culture of health, in Anhorn, Roland; Bettinger, Frank; Stehr, Johannes (eds.), Foucault's Power Analytics and Social Work. A critical introduction and stocktaking, Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, pp. 169-184.

As co-editor and editor of the publication series Jahrbuch für Kritische Medizin und Gesundheitswissenschaften, Hamburg: Argument Verlag.

  • Sexual and Reproductive Health (in planning).
  • The Commune as a Site of Health Production (forthcoming).
  • Critique. Anniversary volume celebrating the 40th anniversary of the editorship (2016).
  • Primary Health Care (2015)


since winter semester 2014

Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society, Department of Social and Health Care, Professor of Health Sciences


Fulda University of Applied Sciences, Department of Health and Nursing, including deputy professorship 'Health Sociology' in winter semester 2013/14


HFH Hamburger Fern-Hochschule, Department of Health and Nursing, deputy professorship


Doctorate (Dr. Phil.) 'Symbolic health and work. A hegemony-theoretical study on the added value of health in post-Fordism' (summa cum laude)


Hamburg University of Applied Sciences and University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, research assistant in various health and care-related research projects


Women's Advancement Award of the Department of Philosophy and Social Sciences at the University of Hamburg for an outstanding degree 1998


Studied sociology, history and educational science at the University of Hamburg


Training and employment as a nurse

Common address of all professors

Ernst-Boehe-Straße 4 - 6
67059 Ludwigshafen

+49 (0) 621/5203-569

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