Norman Böttcher
Social Theory (M.A.), Social Work (B.A.)
Assigned with a half representation of the Professorship of Social Work Science
Research assistant at Munich University of Applied Sciences in the DFG project "Jewish Cultural Heritage" (SPP 2357), sub-project "Social Responsibility in Judaism in Germany"
Contact us
C1.235 +49 621/5203-525
norman.boettcher@ 8< SPAM protection, please remove >8
(Office hours by prior arrangement by e-mail)
Main areas of work and research
- History of Social Work (current focus: Jewish youth and social work, history of youth center movement)
- Jewish cultural heritage and critical heritage studies
- Theories and methods, professionalization and criticism of social work
- Aesthetic education/research (especially on photography and architecture)
- Educational assistance, home education
- Sociological and socio-theoretical regulations of social work
Publications, lectures and interviews
Scientific publications:
2025: Brücken-"Köpfe" - Die vergessene Vorarbeit jüdischer Frauen beim Wiederaufbau und "Brücken schlagen" jüdischer Sozialer Arbeit nach der Shoah. (forthcoming: anthology of the annual conference of the AG Historische Sozialpädagogik/Soziale Arbeit on the topic "Gender Dimensions in History and Historical Research (on) Social Work" from February 22 to 24, 2024 at the RheinMain University of Applied Sciences in Wiesbaden).
2024: State disorder and the taming of the individual. On the significance of psychoanalysis for Berthold Simonsohn's concept of social pedagogy. In: Röh, Dieter; Dünkel, Barbara; Schaak, Friederike (eds.): Hochschulentwicklung und Akademisierung in der Sozialen Arbeit 1970-1980. Weinheim, Basel: Beltz Juventa. S. 85-96.
2023: "The mastery of the aggression instinct is the central task" - On the significance of social and youth education by Jewish protagonists in the post-Nazi Federal Republic. In: Medaon, 2/2023.
2023: SOS Maxstraße 29! Some anecdotes on brutalism as a promise of democratization and a weapon against the loss of educational experiences. In: Götzelmann, Arnd; Löser-Priester, Ingeborg & Rein, Andreas (eds.): Max. Move. Departments of Social and Health Care are moving. Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society (self-published, Books On Demand). S. 202-208.
2023 (together with Daniel Katzenmaier): Selbstverwaltete Jugendzentren im Konflikt - Zum Verhältnis von Politik und Jugendarbeit am Beispiel der Jugendzentrumsbewegung und ihrer Relikte im südwestdeutschen Raum. In: "Soziale Arbeit" [dzi]: Themenheft zur Hamburger Tagung '1960 - 1980: Die bewegten und bewegenden Jahre in Ausbildung, Praxis und Wissenschaft der Sozialen Arbeit', double issue 8+9/2023.
2023 (together with Katzenmaier, Daniel & Temmer, Max [as ed.]): Selbstorganisierte, politische Jugendarbeit im Konflikt. Ein halbes Jahrhundert Jugendzentrum in Selbstverwaltung Friedrich Dürr Mannheim. Frankfurt/Main: Wochenschauverlag.[Review by Jana Sämann in Journal für politische Bildung]
2022: German social pedagogues, throw off your social quirks! Harry Maòr's relationship to 'progressive' social work in post-national socialist society. In: Distanz-Magazin, Issue 7 (December 2022). S. 123-146.
2022: Jewish youth work after the Shoa. Continued social isolation, disguised professionalization, Zionist education and youthful aspirations for autonomy in the socio-pedagogical field of tension of post-Nazism. In: Amthor, Ralph-Christian; Bender-Junker, Birgit; Kuhlmann, Carola & Steinacker, Sven: Kontinuitäten und Diskontinuitäten Sozialer Arbeit nach dem Ende des Nationalsozialismus. Volume 2: Ideologies, Structures and Practices of Social Work after 1945. Weinheim and Basel: Beltz Juventa. S. 119-133.
2021 (together with Beisswanger, Marcus): Social work, reduced distance? A plea for systemic irrelevance. In: Distanz-Magazin, issue 6 (October 2021). S. 76-90.
2021 (together with Katzenmaier, Daniel): The S in participation comes from self-organization! On (half-)forgotten terms from the history of youth work. In: "Soziale Arbeit" [dzi]: "Partizipation in der Jugendarbeit - zwischen Politik und Anerkennung", double issue 10+11/2021. p. 384-391.
2018 (together with Weißschnur, Markus): The 'FSJ in intercultural work'. The tension between education and social policy from the perspective of a diversity-conscious migration policy. In: thirteen. Journal for Youth Social Work, 20, pp. 45-48.
2017 (together with Rein, Andreas): Intervention desired! Critical social work working group. In: Spektrum. University of Applied Sciences Ludwigshafen am Rhein, 6/2017. p. 30f.
Lectures and other publicity (newspaper articles, interviews, exhibitions, etc.):
2025: Lecture "Overheard Voices in the Polyphony of Jewish Cultural Heritage:
Jewish Social Work as An Important Factor!?" at the International Conference "Jewish Cultural Heritage in Light of Critical Heritage Studies" of the DFG Priority Program "Jewish Cultural Heritage" (SPP 2357) at the Gustav Stresemann Institute Bonn (incl. further panel moderation)
2024: Lecture "Politische als undogmatisch-solidarische proletarische Jugendarbeit - Udo Maas' methodische Operationalisierung von Konfliktorientierung" at the panel "Verhalten und Verhältnisse im Zusammenhang denken - Verteilung(sfragen), Interessen(macht) und Konflikt(fähigkeit) als Schlüsselthemen des Sozialen im 21. Jahrhundert" of the workshop "Soziale Arbeit als Ort der politischen Bildung" at the TH Köln
2024 (together with Michelle Stoffel): "Jewish welfare work yesterday and today" as Jewish cultural heritage. Symposium on the "Jewish Social Work of the Central Welfare Office in the Past and Present" as a starting point for further research - a work report. Homepage: Jewish Cultural Heritage (Priority Program 2357 of the German Research Foundation)
2024: Lecture "Die Jugendarbeit der ZWST von der Gründungsphase bis in die frühe Bundesrepublik - Streifzüge durch ihre Publikationen" at the conference "Jüdische Wohlfahrtspflege gestern und heute - Die Jüdische Soziale Arbeit der Zentralwohlfahrtsstelle in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart" on March 12, 2024 at the Jewish Museum in Frankfurt am Main.
2024: Lecture "Brücken-'Köpfe' - Die vergessene Vorarbeit jüdischer Frauen* beim Wiederaufbau und 'Brücken schlagen' der ZWST nach der Shoah" at the annual conference of the AG Historische Sozialpädagogik/Soziale Arbeit on the topic "Geschlechterdimensionen in Geschichte und Geschichtsforschung (zu) Sozialer Arbeit" from February 22 to 24 at the RheinMain University of Applied Sciences in Wiesbaden.
2023: Lecture "Relatively separate discourse spaces: Jewish youth work and the social pedagogical discourse in post-war Germany" at the workshop "Spaces of Jewish Social Work" (as part of the DFG Priority Program "Jewish Cultural Heritage") from November 19 to 20, 2023 at the Junkernhof in Meimbressen (near Kassel).
2023: Input on "Conflict Orientation in Social Work from a Jewish Perspective" at the Buweita (nationwide conference) of the Young DBSH on the topic "Critique of Social Work as Critical Social Work" on October 14, 2023 in Mainz.
2023: Nordhausen's love of home. In Jungle World, 28.9.2023, p. 7.
2023: Fifty years of fun and left-wing mobilization. In: taz, 27.4.2023, p. 14.
2023 (together with Temmer, Max): "We try to break up this line that exists in between a bit" - Professional youth work at the JUZ (interview with the directors of the youth café). In: Böttcher, Norman; Katzenmaier, Daniel & Temmer, Max (eds.): Selbstorganisierte, politische Jugendarbeit im Konflikt. Ein halbes Jahrhundert Jugendzentrum in Selbstverwaltung Friedrich Dürr Mannheim. Frankfurt/Main: Wochenschauverlag. S. 120-132.
2023 (together with Katzenmaier, Daniel & Temmer, Max): "It was a sense of belonging, a moment that what I do is somehow good and sustainable and makes sense." JUZ-Generationen im Gespräch. In: this. (ed.): Selbstorganisierte, politische Jugendarbeit im Konflikt: Ein halbes Jahrhundert Jugendzentrum in Selbstverwaltung Friedrich Dürr Mannheim. Frankfurt/Main: Wochenschauverlag. PP. 197-250.
2022: "We definitely don't want a special status just because we are Jews." Zur Konfliktsituation jüdischer Jugendarbeit ab den bewegten 1960er Jahren und ihrer Einfluss auf den Fachdiskurs (Lecture at the annual conference of the AG Historische Sozialpädagogik/Soziale Arbeit under the title '1960 - 1980: Die bewegten und bewegenden Jahre in Ausbildung, Praxis und Wissenschaft der Sozialen Arbeit', HAW Hamburg, May 18-20, 2022).
2022 (together with Katzenmaier, Daniel): Denk-Mal Selbstverwaltete Jugendzentren - Zum Verhältnis von Politik und Jugendarbeit am Beispiel Mannheims. (Lecture at the annual conference of the AG Historische Sozialpädagogik/Soziale Arbeit under the title '1960 - 1980: Die bewegten und bewegenden Jahre in Ausbildung, Praxis und Wissenschaft der Sozialen Arbeit', HAW Hamburg, May 18-20, 2022).
2021 (together with Hofer, Heinrich): "Hope is the uncertain, confidence is the instrumental." Interview with Thomas Ebermann. In: In: Distanz-Magazin, issue 6 (October 2021). S. 92-107.
2021: What does the body want? Individual and Body in the Corona Pandemic (Workshop at the GfpS Annual Conference in December 2021).
2021: Jewish youth work and the socio-educational discourse after the Shoah (lecture at the 14th Forum of Young Educational Historians of the DGfE, Section 1 - Historical Educational Research, at the University of Kassel, September 12-13, 2021).
2020: Rediscovering Brutalism. A photographic, performative and musical research project in the university building Maxstraße 29 in Ludwigshafen. (Exhibition opening had to be canceled due to the Corona pandemic; online gallery on the OFF//FOTO Festival homepage: https: //
2020 (in the editorial collective): Discussion process and ad hoc results of the working pre-conference: 'Steinige Wege zur Promotion' (jointly developed discussion paper for presentation at the Fachbereichstag Soziale Arbeit on 17.11.2020)
2020 (lecture): Insights into the 'Notgemeinschaft der Selbstverwaltungsgeschädigten 68 Mannheim O 4,8' in the year of the fall of man in 1973 - Political and pedagogical theory formation as the basis of self-administration in JUZ MA. (download link).
2019: Jüdische Jugendarbeit und der sozialpädagogische Diskurs nach der Shoah (lecture at the annual conference of the AG Historische Sozialpädagogik/Soziale Arbeit under the title 'Kontinuitäten und Diskontinuitäten der Sozialpädagogik/Soziale Arbeit im Übergang vom Nationalsozialismus zur Nachkriegszeit', Hochschule Würzburg, October 17-19, 2019)
2018 (in the editorial collective): 45 years of JUZ - 45 years of extreme democracy! In: Contradictions. Zeitschrift für sozialistische Politik im Bildungs-, Gesundheits- und Sozialbereich, 150, p. 139-146.
2017 (in the AKS Ludwigshafen): Ludwigshafen belongs to everyone! Homelessness, accommodation for citizens without housing and housing policy in Ludwigshafen am Rhein. In: Contradictions. Journal for socialist politics in the education, health and social sectors, 147 pp. 107-115.
2016: Passing on knowledge about the crimes of the Nazi era to young people(interview), epd Bayern, 2586/11.08.2016.
2015: The hell of remembrance. In: Jungle World, 17/2015, p. 9.
- Master seminars:
- Research and theory formation in social work - perspectives, requirements and criticism (summer semester 2025)
- Critique of Social Work - Critical Social Work (winter semester 2024/25 incl. public lecture series)
- Theory formation in social work (SoSe 2024 & SoSe 2025)
- Bachelor seminars:
- Social work in the context of social contradictions: help and control (winter semester 2024/25)
- Theories in social work II
- Capability Approach
- Conflict-oriented as critical social work (summer semester 2024)
- Consequences of the institutionalization of social work - criticism and perspectives I + II (SoSe 2024 & WiSe 2024/25)
- Social work as a historical-social form of interpreting and dealing with social problems (continuous since summer semester 2017)
- Interdisciplinary introductory course I & II (winter semester 2020/21, summer semester 2021 & winter semester 2024/25 & summer semester 2025)
- Specialization: Social work as an aid to education (summer semester 2017 to winter semester 2020/21 and summer semester 2025)
- Aisthesis: Perceiving and Understanding - Photographic Research on Brutalism (winter semester 2019/20 & summer semester 2020)
- Introduction to the theory and practice of social space-oriented action (WiSe 2018/19)
- Theories in Social Work II - Psychoanalytical Social Work (summer semester 2017)
- Theories in Social Work I (winter semester 2016/17 to 2018/19 and winter semester 2024/25)
Supervision of theses
- Participation opportunities for children and young people in open child and youth work (SoSe 2024)
- Punishment in residential child and youth welfare (SoSe 2021)
- Participation in the residential care context - On the genesis and topicality of a dazzling concept in theory and practice (winter semester 2020/21)
- The development of political conflicts in self-managed youth centers using the example of the city of Homburg (WiSe 2020/21)
- The scout pedagogy of the German Scout Association of St. George (B.A., summer semester 2020)
- Cooperation between child and adolescent psychiatry and child and youth welfare (B.A., summer semester 2019)
- Coercive relationships in inpatient youth welfare - an attempt at professional and ethical reflection (B.A., winter semester 2018/19)
- Inpatient youth welfare as a space to prepare for an independent and autonomous life (B.A., summer semester 2018)
- Burnout in the working society (B.A., winter semester 2017/18)
- New media in child and youth work (B.A., winter semester 2017/18)
Commitment (memberships, organization of conferences, etc.)
Memberships and tasks:
- Provisional responsibility for the modules "Methods of Social Work" (BASA 7) and "Social Work as an Institution and Professional and Academic Practice - Reflection and Opening" (MASA 5) in the degree programs of Social Work at the HWG LU
- Member of the study reform commission for the reaccreditation of the Bachelor's and Master's degree programs at the HWG LU
- Member of the German Society for Social Work(DGSA)
- Member of the Society for Critical Education(GfkB)
- Editorial board member of Distanz-Magazin
- Alumni of the Ernst Ludwig Ehrlich Studienwerk
- Member of the management team of the Rhineland-Palatinate GEW Higher Education and Research Section (currently on hiatus)
- Member of various regional working groups on political education and socio-political intervention
Participation in conference organization:
- 2024: Symposium "Jewish welfare work yesterday and today. The Jewish social work of the Central Welfare Office of Jews in Germany (ZWST) in the past and present" on 12.3.2024 at the Jewish Museum in Frankfurt am Main
- 2020: Symposium "Anti-Semitism and conspiracy theories" (at the FORUM Mannheim youth culture center)
- 2020: "Steinige Wege zur Promotion" - working pre-conference of young academics on November 16, 2020 on the main topic of the Social Work Department Day (17.11.2020)
- 2017: "It can't go on like this - Congress against the new shift to the right" (at the FORUM Mannheim youth culture center)
Scientific and professional career
since 4/2024 | Appointed as a half-time substitute for the Professorship of Social Work Science at the Department of Social and Health Care at HWG LU |
since 10/2023 | Research assistant in the DFG priority project (SPP 2357) "Jewish Cultural Heritage", sub-project"Social Responsibility in Judaism in Germany" |
10/2020 - 3/2024 | Various, mostly project-based activities (25% positions) at the HWG LU (support of study reform processes, studying under and after Corona etc.) |
10/2020 - 9/2023 | Doctoral scholarship holder of the Ernst Ludwig Ehrlich Studienwerk (ELES) |
since 6/2019 | Doctoral phase: Johann Wolfgang Goethe University Frankfurt, Department of Educational Sciences (Topic: Social pedagogical work with Jewish youth after the Shoah) |
2/2016 - 9/2020 | Research assistant for the Bachelor's degree program in Social Work at the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society (HWG LU) |
12/2015 - 10/2016 | Project Manager International Youth Exchange Dachau |
1/2016 | Master's degree in Social Theory: Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Chair of General and Theoretical Sociology |
10/2013 - 2/2015 | Acting head of a multi-professional residential youth group in a curative education facility |
2013 (winter semester) | Semester abroad (Erasmus): Uniwersytet Jagiellonski Kraków (Poland) |
10/2009 - 9/2010 | Deputy head of the above-mentioned youth residential group |
9/2009 | Bachelor's degree in Social Work: Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State University, Heidenheim |