GSRN: Network trip in June 2022 to the double degree partner university in Finland
As part of the English-language MBA program International Business Management, a networking trip…
Successful Design Thinking Projects with Practice Partners in the Master of Information Systems
Win-win: Master's program in business informatics implements process optimization projects together…
"Homo Economicus in the Diaspora" - Farewell Lecture by Prof. Dr. Stefan Kronenberger
Former Dean of the Management, Controlling, HealthCare Department at HWG LU since 1993
East Asia Institute: Conference on Inflation and Deflation in East Asia
On Friday, 20.5.2022 the 5th Ludwigshafen Currency Conference took place in the rooms of the East…
The desire to study! University information day of the HWG LU
On Saturday, May 14, 2022, HWG LU presented itself and its wide range of courses in the fields of…
May 12, 2022 - International "Day of Care": From Tradition into the Future
From Florence Nightingale to modern nursing science
Ludwigshafen University successful with joint application to federal-state initiative "Innovative University
The Ludwigshafen University of Applied Sciences (HWG LU) is among the 55 universities selected for…
East Asia Institute (OAI): Institute Director Prof. Dr. Frank Rövekamp Receives Award from the Japanese Foreign Ministry
Prof. Dr. Frank Rövekamp received the award from the hands of the Japanese Consul General Asazuma…
International Symposium "Challenges for Health Care in a post-pandemic Future" successfully launched
The first symposium of the European University Alliance EuroInnA takes place today and tomorrow with…
"Study HR Competence in the Supervisory Board"
Prof. Dr. Stephan Weinert, Professor of International Human Resources Management at the Ludwigshafen…
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