Below you will find information on current and completed IMÖVG research projects.
Current projects
Here you can see our current projects
INSPIRE-PNRM+ innovation fund project
The Innovation Fund project INSPIRE-PNRM+ of the ParkinsonNetz RheinMain+ is committed to interdisciplinary and intersectoral telemedical evaluation, coordination and treatment of patients with Parkinson's disease.
Duration: August 2023 - July 2027
In cooperation with:
INSPIRE-PNRM+ stands for the optimized, effective and needs-based care of patients with Parkinson's disease. The project focuses on combining the new form of care (nVF) through telemedical care with an Advanced Practice Nurse (APN) in order to improve the quality of life of people with Parkinson's disease in the long term.
Parkinson's disease is the second most common neurodegenerative disease after Alzheimer's dementia, leading to disability, the need for care, reduced quality of life and often premature death. Around 500,000 people are affected in Germany. As society ages, the number of people affected will continue to increase.
In order to delay the progression of the disease and enable patients to enjoy the best possible quality of life, individualized care is required from therapists from various disciplines. Due to the different manifestations of the symptoms and the widely varying courses of the disease, it is particularly important to dovetail treatment chains and ensure targeted cooperation between medical, therapeutic and nursing staff.
The project team is testing a new approach that aims to improve the quality of care and cross-sector networking through a telemedicine-based intervention and nursing staff with a Master's degree who are specially trained in the care of people with Parkinson's syndrome (so-called Advanced Practice Nurses). This approach ensures that those affected receive needs-based and patient-centered care in all areas of care.
High School Citizen Science for a Sustainable Future (HiS!CiSS) - Citizen science at secondary schools for a sustainable future
Duration: January 01, 2025 - March 31, 2027
In cooperation with Tomas Bata University in Zlín, Faculty of Logistics and Crisis Management, Department of Environmental Security
Drastic changes in climate systems, such as rising temperatures and increasing extreme weather events, directly affect ecosystems and thus the quality of life and health of people worldwide.
Against this background, the project "High School Citizen Science for a Sustainable Future (HiS!CiSS)" was launched, which focuses on the non-formal education of students (aged 15-17) and teachers in the Czech Republic and enables them to understand the interactions between the environment, health and sustainability and relate them to their own living environment.
The project relies on the active participation of students and teachers in citizen science activities outside the formal classroom that enable them to collect and analyze environmental and health data. Individual students and teachers are specially trained as ambassadors to support the scientific activities at their schools. These ambassadors contribute to the continuity of the project, the dissemination of the project idea and methodological knowledge and the motivation of their classmates.
The focus of HiS!CiSS is the development and testing of a new year-round educational program with 5 learning modules focused on the collection and analysis of data on heat stress and its effects on the vitality of trees and ecosystems in the school environment and human health.
The participants are trained in methods of geo and environmental sciences (dendrochronology, ecoacoustics), environmental psychology and biometeorology (mental health, thermosensitivity) and mapping. The learning modules will be implemented and tested at 5 schools in the Zlín region (CZ) under the guidance of Tomas Bata University. Various educational materials, maps of the collected data and 5 school-specific heat protection plans will be produced.
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Completed projects
Here you can see our completed projects
Diabetes Alliance RLP
Duration: February 1, 2022 - September 30, 2023.
In cooperation with InnoNet HealthEconomy e.V.
Funding: Ministry of Economic Affairs, Transport, Agriculture and Viticulture RLP.
The rapidly growing number of diabetics worldwide is increasing the pressure on regional healthcare systems. The healthcare industry provides the financial, material and human resources necessary for effective healthcare in Rhineland-Palatinate. Hospitals, doctors' surgeries, statutory and private health insurance companies, care facilities, pharmaceutical companies and medical technology manufacturers form the backbone of care and provide the infrastructure and economic basis. The individual players are networked within their own group, in professional associations or political bodies.
Challenges, such as shaping the digital transformation and the increase in chronic non-c ommunicable diseases (NCD) or global health crises, such as the Covid-19 pandemic, which can also be understood as a health consequence of the Anthropocene with climate change, urbanization and environmental degradation (planetary health), are to be regarded as tasks for society as a whole.
DIARLP used the funding phase to approach precisely these societal responses and to invite the relevant players in the healthcare industry to participate in interdisciplinary networking on the topic of diabetes. The circle was expanded to include patients, who are usually the target group and recipients of services and offers, but who too rarely use their experiences and feedback to identify gaps in the care system and become indicators of the quality, safety and effectiveness of medical care concepts.
The DIARLP networking initiative tested various networking formats virtually and in person to promote the exchange of information, incorporate different perspectives and support a holistic view, provide space for creative solutions and pool resources in order to develop several person-centered care concepts and raise awareness of diabetes among decision-makers.
The funding phase has been completed and is now being continued by InnoNet HealthEconomy e.V.
We are delighted that the project is continuing after our successful start and wish it every success.
to the project website
Press releases during the funding phase:|dia-rlp
Wound Care Management Rhineland-Palatinate (VeMaWuRLP)
Term: May 1, 2018 - April 30, 2022.
In cooperation with: Mamedicon GmbH, Techniker Krankenkasse and GWQ Service plus GmbH
At least 400,000 Germans suffer from chronic wounds that are difficult to heal. Despite years of treatment by doctors, hospitals, podiatrists and rehabilitation clinics, healing success often fails to materialize because too little attention is paid to the underlying diseases and hygiene standards are neglected. Infections, hospital admissions and avoidable, costly wound care are the consequences.
The "Rhineland-Palatinate Wound Care Management" project advises and supports people with chronic wounds in terms of case management. Chronic wounds include open leg ulcers (ulcus cruris), bedsores (decubitus ulcers) and diabetic foot syndrome, one of the most feared secondary diseases of diabetes mellitus. Specialist nursing staff are to act as case managers to help improve and coordinate the care and healing of chronic wounds in future - for example, by coordinating objectives and measures with doctors, nursing services, podiatrists and care homes and by training patients and their relatives. The project is developing standards for the coordinated care of people in order to improve outpatient and inpatient wound care. The aim is to improve patients' quality of life by reducing pain and avoiding amputations. Those affected should remain as mobile and independent as possible in their everyday lives and learn to understand the therapeutic approaches.
Funding: Innovation Committee of the Joint Federal Committee (Kz. 01NVF17048).
Further information
Fields of action for quality assurance in Germany and the PR China: Public reporting and pay for performance in the hospital sector
Duration: July 1, 2017 - June 30, 2019
In cooperation with East Asia Institute of the HWG Ludwigshafen (Prof. Dr. Darimont) and School of Public Health, Beijing University (Prof. Dr. Zhou Zijun)
Funding: Federal Ministry of Health, Department Z 21.
Public reporting and pay for performance in the hospital sector
Prof. Dr. Eveline Häusler, Endowed Chair for Management and Controlling in Healthcare, Department I, and Prof. Dr. Barbara Darimont, East Asia Institute, Department II, initiated an interdisciplinary research project on the topic of "Departments of Quality Assurance in Germany and the PR of China: Public Reporting and Pay for Performance in the Hospital Sector", which is supported by third-party funding from the Federal Ministry of Health. It serves to intensify cooperation with Chinese partner universities. The cooperation partner is Prof. Dr. med. Zhou Zijun from the School of Public Health at Beijing University, one of China's most renowned universities, also known as the "Chinese Harvard".
The following measures were planned:
- Workshop: Innovations in medical services in the PR China
- Preparation of a paper to be submitted for the China Symposium at the 2018 Capital Congress in Berlin.
- In the 2018/2019 winter semester, a conference is planned at the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society in which students from the M.Sc. in Health Care Management (HCM) and students from the university's East Asia Institute will work together with the German and Chinese project participants to develop transfer measures and recommendations for action.
- As an additional measure, a Master's thesis on the topic will be awarded, which will deal with the development of recommendations for the design and further implementation of public reporting and pay for performance from an international perspective.