History, theory, law and ethics of social work - Professional research
Contents of research practice and research interests: Help and control, diaconal research, social problems and social work, criticism and perspectives of social work, social work between professionalism and functionality, history, theories and sociology of social work, Jewish social work, everyday history of social work, welfare state transformation, democratization of social work and society, socio-economic framework conditions of social work, ethics of social work, social work and human rights.
Research projects:
- The flip side of acceleration and activation. A historical-materialistic analysis of public education using the example of home education in neoliberalism (completed)* - Norman Böttcher
- Biographical trajectories, everyday professional life, transformation of (diaconal) social work/ Reflections of welfare state transformation in biographical narratives of everyday professional life in diaconal social work (ongoing) "further information " - Prof. Dr. Arnd Götzelmann and Dr. Thomas Wagner
- The development of Protestant training institutions for social work, church-diaconal professions and nursing in the Palatinate - contemporary historical studies (completed) " further information " - "Anniversary publication 2018 "Two and a half anniversaries" " - "Monograph 2019 "On the history of Protestant training institutions for social work in the Palatinate "" - Prof. Dr. Arnd Götzelmann
* This project was carried out by the named contact person at another institution.