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Lest hier die vollständigen Zitate unserer Testimonials:

Merve Nur Sevinç, Exchange Student from the International University of Sarajevo

"My dream to experience ERASMUS in Germany is happening now! I enjoy the diversity, languages, and cultures around me. Through the LUBS-excursions I made lots of friends, visited beautiful places, and I am now taking German language classes! By my first impression, I'd definitely recommend LUBS for anyone willing to have a great ERASMUS experience in Germany!"


Nils Sitar, Austauschstudent in Tiflis, Georgien

"Mein Auslandssemester hat mir neue Perspektiven eröffnet und meinen Horizont erweitert.  Ich habe gelernt, mich auf fremde Kulturen einzulassen und habe mich dadurch selbst besser kennenlernen können. Persönlichkeitsentwicklung, Sprachkenntnisse und interkulturelle Kompetenzen sind wichtige Gründe für ein Auslandssemester, aber insbesondere wegen der einzigartigen Erfahrungen und unvergesslichen Erlebnisse kann ich allen Studierenden ein Auslandssemester empfehlen."


Mirza Rakovac, Exchange Student from the International University of Sarajevo

"I am convinced that starting life in an international environment for the first time has significantly influenced my understanding of other cultures. Reflecting on how I behaved in the first few weeks really shows how more adaptable and resourceful I have become. I believe this experience will be beneficial to my academic and professional career, but also personal life."