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Noch nie war die Dynamik, Unsicherheit und Komplexität, in der sich Unternehmen befinden, so groß wie heute. Daher steckt der Wettbewerbsvorteil der Zukunft in der Fähigkeit, noch schneller neue Ideen zu entwickeln und erfolgreich zu implementieren. Wir unterstützen unsere Studierenden durch innovative Konzepte und Methoden, hohe Internationalität und konsequente Praxisorientierung diese Fähigkeit zu entwickeln, um so gerüstet zu sein für einen erfolgreichen Berufsstart. 
Prof. Dr. Regina Raschke, Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft Ludwigshafen

„Das BIP-Programm stellt eine hervorragende Verknüpfung zwischen einer betriebswirtschaftlichen Grundlagenausbildung auf exzellentem akademischem Niveau und anspruchsvollen Praxisphasen dar. Es bietet damit eine ausgezeichnete Basis für die Entwicklung der Fähigkeit, den eigenen Erfahrungshorizont permanent zu erweitern. Und das macht Spaß – den Lernenden wie den Lehrenden!“
Prof. Dr. Andreas Gissel, Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft Ludwigshafen

„El programa de español para los estudiantes BIP es ambicioso y supera un ”simple“ curso de español. Desde los primeros semestres a los estudiantes se les arma con expresiones idiomáticas que pueden poner en práctica en el trabajo. Es importante tanto el aprendizaje de vocabulario económico como el de la vida cotidiana. Al final de la carrera no pocos estudiantes están soprendidos de lo alcanzado en tan corto tiempo.”
Isabella García

„Gefördert und gefordert werden!“ – Wer so denkt, wird sich im BIP-Programm wohl fühlen. Das Programm bietet auf der einen Seite eine intensive Betreuung und erfordert auf der anderen Seite Eigenständigkeit im Umgang mit anspruchsvoller Theorie, mit Vorlesungen ausländischer Professoren und mit herausfordernden Fragestellungen aus der Praxis – im Inland und im Ausland. Die Belohnung sind hervorragende Berufsaussichten mit vielfältigen Karrieremöglichkeiten (auch im internationalen Umfeld) und eine Weiterentwicklung der persönlichen und sozialen Fähigkeiten.
Prof. Dr. Karl-Heinz Beißner, Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft Ludwigshafen

„Wir sind stolz darauf, dass 100% unserer Absolventen direkt nach Abschluss des Studiums eine Anstellung oder einen weiterführenden Studienplatz  erhalten. Dies ist der Beleg für die hohe Qualität des Programms. Der Erfolg begründet sich auf die hervorragende Zusammenarbeit der beteiligten Partner. Hochschulvertreter, Unternehmensvertreter und Studierende tauschen sich ständig aus. Dies gewährleistet die Vermittlung bedarfsgerechten Wissens und ermöglicht die Sichtweise „über den Tellerrand“.
Kathrin Paul, Geschäftsführerin BIP

"Semester after semester, the BIP students never fail to amaze me with their worldliness, enthusiasm, curiosity and impeccable work ethic.  Through their rigorous studies with the BIP program as well as their varied and impressive academic and international backgrounds, it is no surprise that the students go on to promising careers at highly-reputed companies or to selective post-graduate programs. It is an honor and a pleasure to work with them and with the BIP staff."
Michelle Diehl

"The opportunity to interact with students in the BIP program each year has been one of the highlights of my academic life. Each time we explore strategic and tactical issues in the Product and Pricing Management module, I am constantly inspired by the determination and enthusiasm of the IBA and IBAIT students. Their unique qualifications as well as current corporate engagements have assured dynamic and stimulating discussions that have also enabled me to gain unique insights and perspectives from the students’ diverse backgrounds. After more than two decades spent as a professor as well as an administrator, I can confidently say that the IBA and IBAIT programs are among the best programs of its kind anywhere in the world."
Prof. Dr. Alphonso O. Ogbuehi, Clayton State University

"Nachdem ich das BIP-Programm selbst durchlaufen hatte, bekam ich die Chance, von der Rolle des Lernenden zu der des Lehrenden zu wechseln. Gleich zu Beginn des Studiums erhalten die Studenten des Studiengangs IBAIT tiefe Einblicke in die Grundlagen der Programmierung und können das notwendige Wissen im Tutorium üben. In den darauffolgenden Praxisphasen wird das Erlernte dann in einem realen Umfeld angewendet und ausgebaut. Das ist letztlich das Besondere an dem Programm: Theoretische Inhalte unmittelbar anwenden und reflektieren zu können."
Jan P. Portisch

"The BIP is the best and most unique program in which I have ever taught -- and I have been a university professor at five different universities in the United States, all of which are accredited by the Association for the Advancement of Collegiate Schools of Business (AASCB International). The IBA students participate in industry-sponsored internships that include required international components, so the maturity, motivation, and business acumen of the senior-level students is exceptional. Moreover, the overall academic quality of the students is outstanding. I am honored to be able to participate in the program."
Dr. Joseph Donelan, University of West Florida

"I must say that I have been privileged to be a facilitator of the course of Intercultural Management for the students of IBA and IBAIT since 2014. I find the BIP program quite comprehensive, relevant and of high quality in the training of International Business Managers and Leaders. The integration of academia-industry training is truly enriching for the carefully selected students who readily demonstrate great commitment and competence in their learning process which is evident in their intercultural, international and intellectual outlook. The BIP Program is indeed a benchmark program for international business programs that aim to produce highly competent, confident, creative and culturally responsive business leaders. I am looking forward to meeting my next class."
Prof. Dr. Michael Mawa, Uganda Martyrs University


"It’s always a pleasure to meet a new IBAIT class. These students put their academics first, and have the good sense and maturity to recognize that if a class is worth taking, then it is worth taking seriously. They are typically up to speed on world events and eager to acquire the analytical tools to assess the changes they see. Because the group has real world international exposure built into the curriculum, they’ve dealt with exchange rate risk, different business regulatory environments, and widely differing consumer markets. They will be exceptionally qualified managers in the 21st century business environment."
Dr. Richard Harper, University of West Florida

"As a professor of Organizational Behavior, Strategy, and Organizational Theory, I find the students in the IBAIT program to be among the best I have taught in the 27 years that I have been lucky enough to be a college level instructor.  The structure and approach of the IBAIT program is brilliant.  There is a degree of sophistication that employees gain when they work for large multinational corporations, even at entry level.  I noted that sophistication when interacting with the students, as I found them to be worldly, serious, and mature, and to be dedicated to the topics I presented. They are also kind and respectful. Any faculty member would be happy to teach these young people in any classroom, anywhere in the world.  The program is cutting edge and attracts smart, dedicated students." 
Dr. Susan Stites-Doe, The College at Brockport, State University of New York

“The BIP program is a very unique international program, not because of the student body being international, but of the international and practice-oriented curriculum, rich diversity of faculty and oversea internship opportunities. It is also enjoyable to teach BIP students and share with them the exciting economic and business development in this changing era.”
Prof. Dr. Chengyu Yang, Beijing Normal University

"I have been a visiting faculty at the BIP program since 2010. I teach marketing research. I greatly enjoy teaching at the program. The BIP students are intellectually talented and highly motivated to learn new things. My class involves a lot of group activities. The BIP students work very well in groups and make learning fun. They also bring real world experience to the class. Faculty and staff at the program are highly trained in their respective fields and care a lot about student success."
Dr. Nir Kshetri, University of North Carolina at Greensboro

“It’s my pleasure to teach the e-business in IBAIT program. This program provides great opportunities for students to experience of studying in an international setting. The students have been well equipped with knowledge and skills related to global business and information management with a focus on communication and problem-solving skills.”
Prof. Dr. Qiqi Jiang, Tongji University

"I have been teaching Chinese Culture to the students of BASF & SAP program for the past few years. The students are friendly and show an interest in learning about Chinese culture. They are willing to share their personal experiences in China and apply what they learned in the class to their daily life. We talk about the cultural difference between China and Germany, traditional Chinese festivals, relationships in China, Chinese philosophy, calligraphy and painting, traditional Chinese medicine and Chinese food. Questions from the students make me rethink about some facts I have taken for granted, which is really a fruitful and interesting experience for me."
Prof. Dr. Zhang Yan, Shanghai International Studies University

„Aufgrund der sorgfältigen Auswahl durch die Unternehmen kann man allen BIP-Studierenden eine extrem gute Studierfähigkeit bescheinigen. Das hohe intellektuelle Niveau unserer Studierenden, das sich mit jedem universitären Studiengang messen lassen kann, garantiert in Verbindung mit der Praxisnähe einen guten bis sehr guten Studienerfolg und entsprechender „employability“.“
Prof. Dr. Ulli Guckelsberger, Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft Ludwigshafen

“In an increasingly integrated market society, knowledge of inter-cultural management and international business issues are of paramount importance. I have certainly been impressed in the global scope and depth of knowledge of the students in the BiP program. This bodes well for the future success of the students as well as the program.”
Jason Goddard, University of North Carolina at Greensboro

„Das Spanischprogramm für BiP-Studierende geht über einen reinen Sprachkurs hinaus. Schon ab den ersten Semestern werden die Studenten mit Redemittel bewappnet, die sie am Arbeitsplatz praktisch umsetzen können. Die Aneignung von Wirtschaftswortschatz ist genauso wichtig wie Alltagsvokabular. Am Ende des Studiums staunen nicht wenige Teilnehmer, wie viel innerhalb so kurzer Zeit erreicht wird.“
Margarita Görrissen, Lehrbeauftragte der Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft Ludwigshafen für das Fachgebiet Spanisch

“The BIP students are wonderful to teach. There is a strong dynamic within the group. The cohesiveness of the group results in much less time spent on logistics and more time being spent on engaging the subject matter at hand. The students learn very quickly and we cover a substantial amount of material in the course.”
Prof. Dr. Catherine Holderness, University of North Carolina at Greensboro

„Der hohe persönliche Einsatz der Lehrkräfte, die tatkräftige Unterstützung der Praxisunternehmen und das außerordentliche Engagement unserer Studenten schafft eine optimale Lehr- und Lernatmosphäre. Auf Grund der Aufgeschlossenheit unserer Studenten macht mir der Unterricht richtig Spaß. Ich kann diesen Studiengang meinen eigenen Kindern vorbehaltlos empfehlen.“
Prof. Dr. Rudolf Mohr, Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft Ludwigshafen

“Since I am perhaps the longest serving BiP guest professor it is my unique opportunity to make some comments about the development of the program and its students over the years. What a joy it has been to get to know these students and follow along with them as their careers and lives unfold!
This is an excellent program; well-designed and extremely well managed. I am very proud to tell my colleagues worldwide of my association with it. What a joy it is each year to get to return to my second home, meet the new (to me) class, get to know them, and hear of the successes of those alumni that keep in touch.”
Prof. Dr. Bill Murray, University of San Francisco

„Die Studierenden des Programms zeichnen sich besonders durch ihre hohe Motivation und ihren Anspruch auf eine fundierte und internationale Ausbildung aus. Dabei ist es für mich immer faszinierend, in welch produktiver Weise die Studierenden an der Hochschule vermitteltes Wissen mit ihren Erfahrungen in den Unternehmen hinterfragen. Die berufliche Entwicklung der bisherigen Absolventinnen und Absolventen dokumentiert eindrucksvoll den Erfolg einer fruchtbaren Kooperation zwischen Hochschule und Unternehmen im Interesse der Studierenden.“
Prof. Dr. Gerhard Raab, Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft Ludwigshafen

“It is always exciting to work with students who have practical as well as international experience. The result is an effective integration of theory and practice as shown by the scholarly papers prepared by the students. I am confident that many students will achieve their career objective by implementing their strategic career plan they developed in the seminar on Global Strategic Management.”
Prof. Dr. Heinz Weihrich, University of San Francisco

"I was extended the privilege to contribute to the IBAIT program in October 2013. Meeting the attentive and resolute group of students as well as the committed members of faculty and coordinators of the program proved to be a genuinely fulfilling personal experience. Discussing the fundamental themes and contemporary developments in my own field of study with the highly motivated students of the program has been a pleasure from which I benefitted immensely throughout my stay in Ludwigshafen." 
Assistant Professor Çağatay Akarçay, Yeditepe University, Turkey

Prof. Dr. Gerhard Raab

StudiengangleitungFachbereich 2

Ernst-Boehe-Str. 4-6
67059 Ludwigshafen am Rhein

C 2.201+49 621 5203-440+49 621 5203-442

Prof. Dr. Elmar Günther


Ernst-Boehe-Str. 4-6
67059 Ludwigshafen

C 2.206+49 621 5203-326

Kathrin Paul

Bild Kathrin Paul


Ernst-Boehe-Str. 4-6
67059 Ludwigshafen am Rhein

C 2.203+49 621 5203-440+49 172 7689539+49 621 5203-442

Daniela Röper


Ernst-Boehe-Str. 4-6
67059 Ludwigshafen am Rhein

C 2.205+49 621 5203-446+49 172 5318067+49 621 5203-442