Your contact persons
If you have any questions about the degree program, the degree programs, the recognition of examinations and the transitional regulations, please contact the program manager or program assistant.
If you have any questions about the organization of the Department, contact persons in the Department/degree programs or the Department's Examination Board, please contact Ms. Annette Gramer or Ms. Simone Kuhn.
Do you have questions about
- enrollment/exmatriculation,
- re-registration,
- leave of absence,
- clearance certificate,
- examination registration,
- the examination procedure,
- examination attempts,
- on sick notes,
- entries of examination results,
- the creation of grade transcripts,
- on final theses,
- their deadlines (registration/submission/extension)
- and the preparation of final certificates
please contact Ms. Lara Schwarz (-354), staff member at the Student Service Center.